Introduce Yourself : Scripts moving up in contests by Elise Marenson

Elise Marenson

Scripts moving up in contests

Hi Everyone! My pilot script Elena Montoya is currently a Semifinalist in the Stage32 Diversity Springboard Screenwriting Contest. And my script Love From Friends is a current Finalist in the Cinema Street Short Screenplay Competition.

Allie Beaudouin

That's awesome! Congratulations!!

Anthony Jackson

Good morning STAGE 32! My name is Anthony Jackson. Im visiting today to offer a dealer bargain, lolol Im producing my own promotional material to advertise a project that has a date that moves and maintains a 6 week lead. It is the first time i have ever marketed myself in this way under my own umbrella instead of someone else's. I have so many questions, and i have learned a lot so far, but could really benefit from people who have more expertise in the field.

I am a retired independently contracted dancer and i currently teach dance throughout the SO Cal region. Thanks for taking the time to read this post, say hello and wave...

Have a beautiful day everyone ;-)

Elise Marenson

Thanks, Allie! Follow me on Twitter @EliseMarenson

Lise Pyles


Chris Harold Stevenson

I'm Chris H. Stevenson aka Christy J. Breedlove. I'm currently going through the slow and cautious steps of a book-to-film adaption on my Screamcatcher series. I'm waiting for a manager grade and analysis, and also have a screenwriter lined up who will start sometime in January. The series has taken four awards at the present and I'm still on the docket for two other major awards. My agent has suggested that I continue to push for breakout sales since it's the best way to get an eye blink from a major producer/director. What scares me is the horrendous CGI and location shooting this project will require.

Ricki Linksman

Wow! Congratulations, Elise. Those are huge accomplishments. Doesn't it feel so fulfilling to have your work acknowledged in a contest. I hope this is the start of getting it to a producer. What have you directed? You are multi-talented.

Elise Marenson

Directed stage plays and a short. Again, thanks for good wishes. Right back atcha!

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