Screenwriting : It is more difficult for a taciturn to build a career. I was added to the network and.... i don't know anything( by Val Chernyavskiy

Val Chernyavskiy

It is more difficult for a taciturn to build a career. I was added to the network and.... i don't know anything(

In my opinion, the film industry is a question and answer industry. Where you need to conduct dialogues, get acquainted and offer help.

Dan MaxXx

depends on what you mean by film industry and country. I have a distant cousin who is a graffer in Asia and he got the job after high school. Like filling a job at McDonalds. He's been graffing/electric for 7-8 years and his goal is to be a cinematographer. They do long term apprenticeships in his country, not many ppl skip job steps; same for directors, writers, actors.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Val Chernyavskiy cheers Val !!

Taciturn is a rare quality that you both treasure for yourself and share with others, in my opinion, you are an artist among artists and thus the inmates are running the asylum as always,

yet there is a prolific magic for each of us to bring and weave that tapestry for others and for ourselves, perhaps you "know" more than you think,

all good, I think you are correct in the need to converse, acquaint and share your gifts, we are in the mix in the moment. How was your weekend?

Craig D Griffiths

Everyone’s path through life is different. But asking questions and helping others is universal. For instance. My brother heard of a TV job writing comedy for a sketch show while drinking in a pub. A writer that bombed his pitch was lamenting. My brother rang his agent and got a last minute meeting. Rob grabbed a pad and pen from a newsagent (a shop - don’t know overseas term), him and his writing partner (also drinking buddy) jumped in a taxi and went to the meeting.

They sat down, handed over the pad. The producer read their work. Asked when they wrote it. “In the taxi on the way here”. They were hired on the spot.

That will never happen again. Everyone has a different path. That is why so many of the questions like “How did you get your agent, or how did you sell your first script” are dangerous. No one has the same journey. But we all have the same ability to interact.

William Martell

As a screenwriter you just write great scripts, and the words on the page open doors for you.

Val Chernyavskiy

Daniel, I am finishing a synopsis of a new project and the writer also contacted me to convert the book into a script. My post is that I am not silent, but many are silently added to the network and do not know what's what. Write me. I encourage everyone to ask questions so that everyone offers their help. This is what I wanted to convey in my post. We are all in the same boat and we all have to row.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

William Martell that's what's up! ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Val Chernyavskiy right on; I appreciate that sentiment, however I would say not everyone is in the same place at the same time, sometimes I think we can still be a part of the conversation even by riding others' coattails or being a fly on the wall.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Very much so! But also, sometimes you have to start before you have the answers - you very much learn as you do!

Dan Guardino

I don't think it is more difficult for a taciturn to build a career. If you can write well-written screenplays that show people in the industry that you know the business and how to write for it, that is all that counts. If you can do that on a regular basis, they will want to know you and work with you.

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