Screenwriting : Women Screenwriters Collaborative---meets once a month for feedback and support finishing screenplays. by Alice Barden

Alice Barden

Women Screenwriters Collaborative---meets once a month for feedback and support finishing screenplays.

I am a woman over forty (we are a Diversity category!) trying to finish her first two screenplays after completing my screenwriting MFA. I am also a multiple award-winning Yale trained actress and work very hard at everything I do while having as much fun as possible. I am starting a group of about five like-minded women who want to meet on Zoom once a month to read 10 pages of our screenplays and HELP EACH OTHER make them all great. In a year we will all have completed and polished at least one script.

We will use the sandwich critique method, and I genuinely want skilled, committed women who just need some accountability and cheerleading to take their work to the next level.

If you are interested please send a bio, brag about yourself, and send a short writing sample. Also include the best times of the week (and time zones) you can meet. Over 40 only. Must have a sense of humor.

Can't wait!

Doug Nelson

A truly wonderful concept that I fully support and encourage. All the best with it.

Robert Butler

Are you talking about my Forty Plus screenplay?

Angela Cristantello

Alice, I love that you're doing this so much. This is just the best thing :)

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