Acting : Pro Acting Coach Breaks Down Dacre Montgomery's Stranger Things Audition by Kurt Patino

Kurt Patino

Pro Acting Coach Breaks Down Dacre Montgomery's Stranger Things Audition

Karen "Kay" Ross

I. LOVE. THIS! OMG, I'm going to watch this like 10 more times LOL Also, I think you can see how actors become directors with this kind of attention to detail.

Dr Samita Nandy

Can't wait to watch Kurt!

Alan Powell

He says its an audition for Stranger Things but I recognize the dialogue as Billy's in Stand By Me....?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Nope, Stranger Things Season 2 - although it is an homage to 80s films, so maybe that's why?

Alan Powell

yeah --definitely. they ripped it right off the page from Stand By Me. (with a few alterations) Didn't think that could be done but I guess it can.

Matthew Cornwell

It's common for high-profile productions to use fake sides for auditions. When they were casting what ending up being the Brandon Routh Superman, they used sides from the original Superman. The Walking Dead has used fake sides for a decade. Homeland used to do that, too. And Marvel, of course, uses fake sides all the time. On top of that, productions like Marvel and Stranger Things include a comprehensive NDA you have to sign before even receiving your sides. They take privacy very seriously.

And in the end, auditions are never meant to be seen by the public, which is why they can pull from anything they want (or write fake sides which is more often the case). It's fun to see these auditions, but strictly from a legal sense, it was a violation of the NDA for this audition to ever be shared. That said, it might've been the production itself that shared it...

Alan Powell

Thanks for the insight Matthew. I'm that much wiser :)

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