Filmmaking / Directing : Director's / Filmmaking Reel | Pranjal Joshi by Pranjal Joshi

Pranjal Joshi

Director's / Filmmaking Reel | Pranjal Joshi

Here's almost 5 years in 2:30 min!

Although I have always been (and still am) skeptical of/about reels, especially the Director's reel; As shots taken-out and put out-of-context can never really reflect the true significance of that visual(s). Still due to part of the process (formal and necessity); I tried my best to create one as sensible as I can.

So have a look at dozens of projects, different kinds, varied styles and multiple roles that I have been fortunate to go through in my small independent journey. As on almost all the projects that I have mentioned in the reel; I haven't just Directed, but have worked as a Writer and Editor too. Even done Camera in couple of them. Hence calling it as my "Film-maker's Reel".

And most importantly, I am absolutely grateful to hundred(s) of people, from my regular/frequent - associations/collaborators, to project specific cast and crew(s). And everyone else involved directly to indirectly in each project, As well as on helping me out with this reel. It wouldn't have been possible without any of them - at all!!

Have a look at it and share your views :)

Doug Nelson

I think it nicely done. It does provide some view of your visionally in certain environments and settings. I'm trying to figure how to say this without sending some folk into a tizzy. There are cultural issues/values to consider too - you are in India so that your vision is guided by your environment/beliefs. I'm in the U.S. so I hold different beliefs and cultural elements near. I think what I'm trying to say is that your Director reel appears to be strong and well done for your market, but may be less suitable for mine - basically I'm agreeing with you. Again, nicely done.

Yolanda Mogatusi

Beautiful! Congratulations and well done Pranjal on the Last 5 years :D!

Billy Kwack

Very nice

Pranjal Joshi

Thanks Doug Nelson . Absolutely, that's the thing with Direction or even Writing. Everything is contextual, thus it depend on dozens of variables. In fact the whole concept of Director's reel is naive in that sense. Still, we got to do what we need to do!

Pranjal Joshi

Haha! Thanks a lot Yolanda Mogatusi :))

Pranjal Joshi

Thank You Billy Kwack

Crisinta M

It was well put together, a little hard to follow at first but it's good.

Billy Kwack

No problem Pranjal, keep being awesome

Florin Şumălan

Nice. Keep up the good work, Pranjal Joshi!

Jeremy Ray Smolik

Nice shots! Good showreel, it shows a wide range! if you want to make this more of a director's reel I'd suggest less clips with longer moments and original audio. I'd love to see some of these beautiful moments play out naturally :)

Pranjal Joshi

Thanks a lot for your inputs @Jeremy Ray Smolik Glad you liked it :) Would create one that sort of some day soon. Cheers

Eddie Reinhardt

Looks really nice, Pranjal! Nice work! I feel I have really gotten to know your work and especially your style & tone. And I got the feeling you are really cherishing your projects with this reel! Well done

Pranjal Joshi

Thank you @Eddie. Good to hear you resonated with it. Thanks again for your kind words :))

Amanda Michel

Wow and I loved the music.

Pranjal Joshi

Thanks a lot @Amanda :)

Fujio Torikai

Have you seen my work?Please make my

script FiIm

Debbie Croysdale

@Pranjal Looks like there are some intriguing stories, I also like the different lighting in scenes along with the black & white/sepia shots interspersed with the colour.

Pranjal Joshi

Thanks a lot Debbie Croysdale

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