Your Stage : Federico Alerta by Federico Alerta

Federico Alerta

Federico Alerta


Samuel Taylor

Welcome to my network Federico.

Neka Sharp

Hi Frederico

Allan Tamshen

Federico… Check out my short film… Black Eyes, Nicole Epper on Amazon Prime. Thanks for joining my network.

Zelie Dember-Slack

Hi Frederico! So awesome that you are fluent in more than one language. Nice. Z

Federico Alerta

Thank you!

Samuel Taylor

Hello my fellow Stage 32 members. I want tp proudly share with you the latest successes and accomplishments of my 3 faith-base/horror/drama screenplays....At The Mercy Of Faith, At The Mercy Of Faith - Terror and At The Mercy Of Faith - Horror.

So, at the start of 2022, I submitted my screenplays to 50 festivals and contests, abroad and domestically to gage how well my newly revised versions would fare. To this date, I have received notifications from 18 of those festivals/contests.

Here are the results of the 18. I will post the Winners first.

1. Oniros Film Awards - New York.... Best Inspirational Screenplay, Month of September.

2. Global Motion Pictures and Filmmakers... Best Horror Screenplay.

3. Festigious International Film Fest- Los Angeles... Best Drama Screenplay, Month of September.

4. Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood.... Award Of Merit.

5. Independent Horror Movie Awards....Best Feature Script, Summer Edition

6. Toronto Tamil (I) Film Festival.... Honorable Mention

7. DreamZ Catcher International Film Fest(INDIA)....Best Screenplay

8.Bridge Fest... Best Horror Screenplay, Month of June.

9. Open Window International Film Challenge(India)... Best Horror Screenplay.

Latter this evening, I will share the remaining 9 that ranges from semi-finalist to finalist..

I am sharing this not to sound cocky, boastful or arrogant. But, I fell honored, thankful, motivated, inspired and uplifted. I am a first-time screenwriter and even though I have been blessed to write and develop 3 multiple award winning, anointed and inspiring scripts.... I am still trying to develop my voice.

From the amazing results of my work.... I think I am finding my way.

Ana Oliveira

Hola Federico, gracias por invitarme, estoy contenta por la conexión!

Debbie Elicksen

Federico Alerta I love your presence and versatility. Great stuff.

Federico Alerta

Thank you Debbie!

Allan Tamshen

Cool Stuff!

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