Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Darius Delsoin

Darius Delsoin


Hi everyone. I'm Darius and relatively somewhat new to the platform as I haven't been that active in recent years but hope to change that this year and for the future. I'm an upcoming cinematographer, director and writer and aim to continue to finesse my skills and eventually be part of a writing room on a show and move on up from there. I have shot a couple of shorts such as my more recent sci-fi thriller that is in post-production currently. I also was a DP on a few other projects for friends and other clients. I aim to just continue learning, growing and being part of great projects that would want my help. Any advice on starting out on this platform would be greatly appreciated and hope to work with some wonderful like minded individuals and storytellers. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU ALL!!

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to the community Darius! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. If my team and I can ever recommend any of our script services to help get your projects in front of the right executives, please email us directly at Always happy to help!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Darius Delsoin. I like the ASHES poster. Did you make it?

Darius Delsoin

I hired two people to create different aspects of the poster then combined the two. Glad you like the poster!

Richard Smith

Hi Nam, I can only recommend that you don’t chase the dream this time around and allow it to unfold in, as and through you!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Darius Delsoin. Is ASHES online to watch?

Darius Delsoin

ASHES is still in post production at the moment

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Darius Delsoin. Let us know when it's out.

Ifeoma Kpaduwa

If you’re ever in LA let me know! Have some films that need a cinematographer

Sam Sokolow

Great to meet you here in the community, Naj. I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our education or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please email me at You can also browse all of Stage 32 education here at this link:

Eric Soulas

Hi Naj, Welcome.

Marcel Nault Jr.

Welcome aboard, Darius.

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