Your Stage : New Script on the go by Michele Profeta

Michele Profeta

New Script on the go

Hello folks!

Just wanted to say that I'm developing a script for a short film contest. In short: whoever's script gets picked up, will have the chance to shoot on film, 16mm. The film, and its development, will be provided by the production companies involved, on top of equipment.

I will unfold info about the script later on, but for now I'll just say that it's a father-son relationship about drug addiction. I might consider getting coverage from the professional writers on here! 

Manifesting SUNDANCE Film Festival.

Emily J

That's awesome @Michele! Good luck! Be sure to email me at if you need any recommendations :)

Terry Frost

I think it will be interesting, Michelle! Moreover, the problem of drug addiction is very relevant today. And such projects are very useful for highlighting this problem. I believe that we should help dependent people cope with such a difficult problem. They should feel supported and not be alone. That is why the best solution for drug addicts is to seek help from professionals from who provide comprehensive programs of medical and psychological treatment. The medication combines behavioral therapy with prescribed medications to manage withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings, and block the effects of certain substances.

Maurice Vaughan

It sounds like your short is gonna have some strong topics, Michele Profeta. Hope it does great in the festival! I'm looking forward to seeing it!

Michele Profeta

Emily J appreciate your message, will definitely will let you know about recommendations I need. Thanks!

Michele Profeta

Terry Frost That's wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to write this, it's all appreciated! I'll have a look at that website.

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