Introduce Yourself : Happy Intro Yourself Weekenders! by Julia Warren

Julia Warren

Happy Intro Yourself Weekenders!

Hi, I'm Julia, I write, direct, and design. I love surrealism, comedy, supernatural (atmospheric houses, curious phantoms, haunting histories)and historical material. What's your fave genre? Don't be shy, come join the salon (bring your own popcorn)!

Emily J

Hi Julia Warren! Thanks for sharing. I love having you as part of this awesome community! My favorite genre? I write comedy but I love to mash it up with other genres (whether it's scifi or an Agatha Christie-style murder), the more serious the world, the more likely it is that there needs to be a classic fart joke ;)

Julia Warren

Aww, thank you Emily! - Oh, I totally dig Agatha Christie/'cozy' murder - and with added comedy, definitely! ANd there's a huge market for that too....

Maurice Vaughan

Do people normally eat popcorn in salons, Julia Warren? :D My favorite genres to write are Horror and Thriller, mainly Contained and Survival.

Leonardo Ramirez

Hey Julia Warren Fellow mod here. So nice to meet you. My favoritos are sci-fi and fantasy...and cheese popcorn.

Julia Warren

Maurice Vaughan trying to cater for all tastes....XD So, survival thriller I can imagine - can you give me an example of contained survival? Does this mean, locked in a room, with limited or zero tools/options

for escape?

Julia Warren

Hi @Leonardo Ramirez, nice to meet you too! Oh, I like a pinch of sci-fi too, also cross-genre like sci-fi supernatural (haunted spaceship....). I'll have cheese puffs. And peanuts....

Vincent J Paterno

Julia, I write rom-com features. We're on the same wavelength.

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry, Julia Warren, I meant "My favorite genres to write are Horror and Thriller, mainly Contained Horror, Contained Thriller, Survival Horror, and Survival Thriller."

Locked in a room with limited or zero tools/options for escape could be both Contained Thriller and Survival Thriller because it's one location and if the character doesn't escape, well...

Leonardo Ramirez

Julia Warren Ah yes, cross genres are fun. My steampunk space adventure could be considered cross genre since it takes place in the 1800s and there’s one guy who is hoity-toity. LOL. And if you’re Ok with chocolate covered peanuts, we have a deal.

Julia Warren

Steampunk is another favourite genre, yours sounds fun - I have a ghost hunter character and his long-suffering manservant and housekeeper for whom I wrote a few short stories.One day I shall get back to them.... er, is that white chocolate covered peanuts? (hopeful)

Julia Warren

Hi Vincent J Paterno , your feature length sounds fun, there's not enough sci-fi comedy around!

Julia Warren

Maurice Vaughan ah, got it - and well, if the character doesn't escape .... it's Hamlet..... XD

Leonardo Ramirez

Julia Warren White chocolate is is, my friend! Love the idea of a ghost hunter character. That sounds cool.

Julia Warren

Yeah, I need to pull him out, and dust him off. In fact...that may happen sooner than later, as I am adapting some Victorian/Edwardian ghost hunter stories for audio podcasts, which should be broadcasting over the summer/autumn. I'll need to ask if we can add him in as an added sub-set ....

Leonardo Ramirez

Julia Warren I'd like to hear those when you release them.

Leonor LeRu

Welcome Julia! I like the image of your post! that reminds me of the movie that I watch over and over again...Anna Karenina. Someday, if I had the budget to produce that kind of film, I want to produce that kind of genre. For some reason, I get so interested on the ROMEO & JULIET and ANNA KARENINA settings. Thanks for sharing!

Maurice Vaughan

Julia Warren Great thing for my characters, they almost always escape.

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