Anything Goes : Dreaming of a movie by Kevin Hager

Dreaming of a movie

How many of you were asleep and had a dream of what could be a movie or TV series? I had that happen to me.

In one there was a movie title called Wolf Moon, which I interprets as a romantic fantasy werewolf film where a young man turns into a werewolf, and his girlfriend joins him.

Another from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series where Ricky Bowen (Joshua Bassett) is covering Nini Salazar-Roberts (Olivia Rodrigo) and then they are watching emergency lights go by, so I interpret as Ricky and Nini encounter criminals or witness a crime and Ricky was protecting Nini.

Anyone else experience something like that?

Debbie Croysdale

@Kevin I’ve dreamt of “scenes” within something I’m already writing but never a whole concept. This also happens to me whilst walking, like this weekend we were rambling up a mountain & I had to stop to write something down on sandwich wrapping paper.

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