Introduce Yourself : It's Hard To Always Be On The Cutting Edge, Without Bleeding A Little! by Eugene Mandelcorn

Eugene Mandelcorn

It's Hard To Always Be On The Cutting Edge, Without Bleeding A Little!

I have always found myself thinking outside the box. So much so, that sometimes I forget where the box is and what was in it. When you make waves in the industry, some people run for cover, afraid they may lose their footing and drown.

Sometimes, I have to be careful what I say and do, because others may think I'm crazy. I guess that can be expected. Whenever people come up with new and groundbreaking ideas, they often are misunderstood, and sometimes ostracized. I know how it feels and I now am able to boldly move forward without blinking an eye.

I am always looking for those whose imagination and creativity have no bounds. Who can concentrate on making projects that do much more than just entertain but offer possible solutions to the problems we face in the world today.

If you think this way, we should work together. Let's make that connection. I'll be here waiting for you.

Maurice Vaughan

I like the way you think, Eugene Mandelcorn. Every script idea, every scene I try to think outside the box. "What Box?" should be your company's slogan.

Michael Elliott

Thanks for writing a provocative and non-self serving thread. As to your main point, as I told my children, "Go ahead and be an individual. Just be prepared for the beatings that will follow."

Xochi Blymyer

there’s def a lot of reused ideas being made so great that you have new and creative ones!

Emily J

Hi Eugene Mandelcorn! Thanks for sharing this encouraging and inspirational perspective!!

Sam Rivera

Thank you for sharing Eugene Mandelcorn

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