Filmmaking / Directing : ‘Fallout’ FYC Panel Features Christopher Nolan Interviewing “Baby Brother” Jonathan About Amazon Hit Drama by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

‘Fallout’ FYC Panel Features Christopher Nolan Interviewing “Baby Brother” Jonathan About Amazon Hit Drama

For fans of “Fallout” (on Prime) here’s an interview with Christopher and Jonathan Nolan. It’s an interesting insight of how they learn from each other and inspire one another in their craft.

He…credited Christopher for teaching him how to create a “very intimate, very safe” set while shooting some of the heavier moments of the series, like the “love scene-slash-murder scene” in the pilot between Lucy (Ella Purnell) and her soon-to-be slaughtered husband.

I watched “Fallout” when it first aired on Prime. For me as a non-gamer, I thought it was both engaging and entertaining, but I didn’t really feel that I had a lot of skin in the game. For sure, I’ll watch the second season and see if that changes anything in this old imagination of mine.

How about you? Have you watched the show?

PS I thought the standout performance was from Walton Goggins, as The Ghoul.

Maurice Vaughan

I haven't seen "Fallout" yet, Geoff Hall. I saw the trailer for the first time yesterday. I haven't played the games, but I've seen gameplay. The show looks a lot like the games.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thanks Maurice. I’m not sure if my non-gamer background means I don’t connect too deeply with it?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall. That could be the reason. You might connect with the show more as it goes along. That happens to me sometimes when I watch movies and shows. And sometimes I'll connect with a character, then I'll eventually connect with the movie or show.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you so much for sharing this, Geoff Hall! I LOVED Fallout. I've already watched the first season twice. And I agree, the standout performance was Walton but I often feel like he steals the show. I also thought Ella Purnell was outstanding.

David Blaustein

Geoff Hall, I absolutely loved it! Excellent storytelling. I watched it without knowing anything about the game and marveled at the characters and construction of this particular post-apocalyptic world. The creativity and aesthetic of the pre-bomb era were nearly breath-taking.

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith you are welcome, Ashley.

Geoff Hall

David Blaustein “The creativity and aesthetic of the pre-bomb era were nearly breath-taking. ”And no doubt, very expensive to create!

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