Anything Goes : My Wall will not open by Devorah Lynne Dishington

Devorah Lynne Dishington

My Wall will not open

To anyone who may have placed a note upon my wall, I apologize for my inability to respond, but my wall times out and will not allow me to see anything other than three boxes moving black across them to grey. SORRY! >^.,.^<

Devorah Lynne Dishington


Devorah Lynne Dishington

Strange thing: I can see the Lounge without issue!! WHO KNOWS!!

Lina Jones

It happens to us all from time to time :D

Devorah Lynne Dishington

Another strange thing: it worked fine until the last '3' days?!?!?! :'(

Tabitha Baumander

computers, cant live with em, cant hit em with a rock

System Admin

Hi everyone, I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm investigating the cause of these issues right now. We'll get you back up and running shortly. Stay tuned for updates!

Jim McLain

That happened to me the other day but it seems to have fixed itself. I have no clue why either event happened.

System Admin

Hey again, just wanted to update everyone on the situation. I've fixed several issues that effect various versions of Internet Explorer. Your wall and the lounge should be loading normally now. You should also notice pages loading a bit faster. Please feel free to shoot me an email at if the problems continue, or if you notice any other issues. Thanks everyone!

Devorah Lynne Dishington

Bless ye, Derrick! Bless ye! And, Happy Oscars Weekend, Everyone! >^.,.^<

System Admin

Any time, Devorah! :)

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