Success Stories: MAR'6 Hurry up and Wait

Dylan Daniels

Hurry up and Wait

"Hurry up and wait" is a term I learned years ago when I first started getting into the industry as an actor. It's up there with "no news is good news". In 05 I decided to write a script as I had been thinking about a story in my head for years. I started writing it in a note pad when a friend asked what I was doing. I told him I was writing a script, he read it and told me what I had sounded great but the format and certain things were wrong, he had just taken a class on screenwriting and asked if he could help. I instantly said yes, told him 50/50 split if it ever got made. So we wrote the screenplay, took us a week and sent it out to LA. It had been years since I had done any acting, but I made a point to always keep in touch with the people I had worked with or knew. Within a week we were getting calls and offers for our script. Everything seemed to be working out perfect. We signed with a manager who networked and got us top Producers. Soon studio deals were rolling in with requests for more scripts. We thought we had finally gotten our in. The next 4 years was like a dream. I was flying back and forth from Orlando to LA, even Vegas to meet with people. In that time me and my co-writer had written several scripts, I was even doing uncredited rewrites on other scripts, but our main focus was on the one, our baby so to speak. Little did we know things were about to go very wrong. towards the end of 08, greed and mismanagement made everything fall apart. Our Manager who we had put all our trust in decided that she wanted to Produce and make the film herself. After firing everyone involved and turning down a deal with Warner Brothers she took the money investors had put in and fled the country. About a week later while at the movies I see a movie trailer that is identical to our script. I did the first thing I could think of and called our lawyers. Some people involved with the project had taken our script and made their own version without us. After being told that you can Copyright a script but not an idea we took the advise that suing a major company was not a smart move, we swallowed our pride and lost all intrest in the industry. We even went as far as to pull our other scripts that were being looked at and shut everything down, I did make a point to call everyone involved with the project and make sure we were on good terms, with the exception of those who took our idea. Sometime later I was approached by an author to adapt her books into screenplays. So me and my co-writer wrote our first adaption but found that without an agent or management couldn't get it to anyone. And after being burned the way we had we didn't want to use the contacts we had in LA. So we both once again walked away from writing. One day while on-line checking my email I noticed that I had received an invitation to a website that was just starting out called Stage 32. I opened the email and figured what the heck I'll join and see where this goes. Little did I know that this website would take off like a wildfire. I sat back and watched and read how people were trying to network and get themselves heard/seen. It opened my eyes to the fact that everyone who dreams of getting into the industry struggles everyday to make connections. So I started reaching out and giving advise having been in the industry infront and behind the camera. Well a few weeks ago I took a leap of faith and contacted my old connections out in LA and told them about a script that we had been sitting on and if anyone wanted to take a look. To my surprise I got word back to send it someones way and let them read it. They got back to me after reading it and asked if they could pass it on to some people who were looking for a script along the lines of what we had. I said sure why not. The next email was one that even I didn't expect, the script had been passed on to some Producers who are very interested and would like to talk more about the project and getting it made. To my surprise one of the Producers used to work for Warner Brothers and had made the original offer for our old script. So once again we are playing the Hurry up and Wait game. We feel safe because it's an Adaption from a book and the chance of the idea getting stolen is very slim. So I'm not getting my hopes up, but for the first time in a long time I have the wind pushing me to move forward and to get back to chasing my dream. I will keep everyone here at Stage 32 up to date on what is happening because I feel without this site and everyones posts and involvement I would have never taken that leap of faith and tried again. So I owe everyone here a great thanks.

Nikki April Lee

I do hope to get to be able to write my own success story as well. =D

Dylan Daniels

it will happen, just never give up hope :)

Dylan Daniels

I shall keep you all here up to date with the goings on. Funny mishap already. I had just changed my number and the producers had written down my old phone number and have been trying to get in touch with me. They thought that the notes they emailed me had angered me and that I was going else where. While I was working on the 2nd draft this week I was thinking it was odd that I had not had a call from them. So I gave them a call to check in and they were so excited that it was a number mistake and not anything bad. Things are going great should have the 2nd draft done this week then send it back for review. Everyone I am dealing with out in LA are a great group of people. Never give up, and always remember the connections you make in person and Stage32 will one day pay off. If I make it, anyone has but to message me and i'll always be willing to give advise and help in anyway I can. The Project is titled The Wardrobe and is an adaption from a book of the same name by Susan Elliston. If you want to get a feel for what this project is kinda about check out the books FB page at

Jack Calvert

Great story, Dylan! Thanks for sharing it. I had a similar experience, though not nearly as outrageous as yours. Glad you got back into it, though: "The Wardrobe" looks fantastic!

Ray Helmers

Nice story to hear. All the best. Everything good.

Ray Anthony Martinez

Great story! Glad you decided to get back into it! Can't wait to hear more!

Ray Anthony Martinez

Good Luck!

Jacob Larch

Hope should be the one thing that keeps you afloat in a sea of broken dreams, not the first thing you jettison when you crash. Don't give up, don't lose heart. Ever. There are a lot of highly talented and innovative people who want to help, work together and produce quality material. I've been banging at the door for years and just made a high quality short film with two film makers who want to go further but didn't have a writer; opportunities do arise, so watch out for them because they come at strange and unexpected times. Stay strong, brother! Good luck with everything!!! JL

Dylan Daniels

thank you Jacob

Dylan Daniels

thank you as well

Billy Kravitz

That's why you MUST GET a respected WGA affiliated AGENT first.. And even then they can crush you (only they have to be a little more 'polite' about it.) But, as you know, minus a dad, uncle, grandma or sweetie-pie in the business, professional representation is ALMOST an impossibility. The sad truth is we DON'T have an entertainment industry in North america. WE have an entertainment cousins' club.....and you ain't gonna be a cousin, unless you GOT a cousin. Google - Nepotism in Hollywood, then scroll down. The list never ends.... Nobody wants to share the pie with strangers, 'cause 'this' pie is just too damn good. You don't know how LUCKY you were to reconnect with that contingent at Warner Bros.. I've been trying to get an agent for YEARS, but without connections (sometimes they call them 'recommendations') it's a nightmare They will not even glance at my work, or so much as sanction my right to exist. And the so called competitions aren't much better. anybody hear of PROJECT GREEN LIGHT lately?....My best advice? Move to L.A. and become a 'familiar' to some star...a functionary, a service provider, a helper.... Google Jon Peters. It worked for him. Which is not to say that he did not do some worthwhile things once they let him through the door...but that's how he got them to unlock it....Oh...what else is new. I don't have any scripts posted now, but my blog (over 600 entries) is up if anybody feels like wandering through examples of my style and voice. Google Vampire Wonderland by Billy Kravitz (just a title)... or EL RANCHO TEXACO by Billy Kravitz...or THE LITTLE MATCH BOY by Billy Kravitz ...If you like, hit and scroll back from there. Think we're on RSS too........ I LOVE this Success Story discussion. Keep it coming.

Dylan Daniels

just got done with the 3rd draft, it's slow going now that the people involved are working on The Tomb. So it's back to the hurry up and wait game again. Will keep you all posted.

Ray Helmers

Drafting is a good sign. Great to hear.

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