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By Camila Hepplin

GENRE: Romance, Drama

Two high schoolers, friends since 8th grade, overcome the doubts and conflicts of their relationship to finally be together, to only in the end lose one forever. 


Vicky and Pam are friends since middle school, in fact they have been more than friends since when Pam kissed Vicky on 8th grade in one of their sleep overs. Vicky is sure she loves Pam but Pam seems just to like Vicky when they are alone. Pam assures Vicky that what they have is just for fun and she wants to get married and have kids. This side of Pam really irritates Vicky and is weakening their relationship.

At the same time that Pam plays around with the boys in her school she craves for Vicky’s company and love. Vicky is in doubt about what are really going on between them and pressures Pam to make up her mind. Pam is not willing to change the way she behaves in part because being her parents very strict and religious freaks she don’t want them to suspect of her feelings for Vicky, for her is a way to keep loving Vicky and please her parents.

Vicky on the other hand wants they relationship to be real, she wants Pam to stop the double act and embrace who she really is. They can’t get on the same page and decide that is best for them stop whatever they had going on. Vicky is miserable and she confines with her dad, also her best friend and confident, what happened. Pam is also unhappy but she keeps her emotions hidden but is willing to fix things with Vicky, but they get to the conclusion that is best for them to be apart so no one gets hurts anymore.

Vicky focus in finishing high school on top, Pam decides carry on her life. High school is over and Vicky is accepted at Yale for English Literature and Pam is not sure what she wants to do since her parents don’t approve her choices. Vicky leaves for school and Pam stays, they see each other before Vicky heads to school after barely speaking to each since the break up. Pam gives Vicky a letter and tells her to open when she gets to Yale.

In the car Julia, Vicky’s mother, confess that she always kind of knew Vicky and Pam liked each other surprising both Vicky and her Dad. Julia is very fond of Pam, she has always been and assures Vicky that’s fine to give Pam a second chance regarding whatever happened between them.

Vicky reads the letter at Yale and doesn’t know what or if she should respond to Pam, but Agatha, Vicky’s new friend at Yale, pushes her to answer Pam. Vicky sent a response letter to Pam and Pam convinces her parents to let her go to Yale just to enjoy the college experience before she decides which school to go. At Yale the two girls mend their relationship and decides to be official girlfriends. In the few days they spend together they were sure of the feelings they feel for each other and the future they want to have together.

Pam returns home to find out that her parents read the letter Vicky sent to her and they are furious and ashamed to know that their daughter likes girls and that Vicky never was just a friend. In a moment of fury Pam’s father breaks her phone and takes her computer, prohibiting her to contact Vicky ever again. Vicky tries desperately to reach Pam but has no success, she tells her mother she is unable to contact Pam since the day she went back home, Julia offers to go check on her and she finds out that Pam is not allowed to have any kind of contact with anybody outside her house, especially Vicky or anybody in her family.

Vicky is desperate and blames herself for what is happening to Pam, she wants to go there and guarantee to Pam’m parents she will never see Pam again if they just let her live. Agatha does not like the idea, she thinks that going to Pam’s house only will make the situation worst. Pam is extremely mad at her parents who are suggesting to do anything to “fix” her, she doesn't eat and barely comes out of her room, she wants to be alone.

Vicky still uneasy at Yale and is willing to do anything to help Pam and convinces Agatha to drive her to Pam’s house. By the time the two of them arrive there they are received with the news that Pam killed herself.

*Written under pseudonym "Chloé Chaburn"

Nate Rymer

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Camila Hepplin

Hello, Nate Rymer!

Thanks for rating my logline. I truly appreciate that!

Tasha Lewis

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Candice Cain

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Camila Hepplin

Thanks Candice Cain and Tasha Lewis, for rating my logline.

Amazing Kacee

what do they have between them, what are their doubts their fears, and again an overdone concept which is not original how is yours different?

Camila Hepplin

Amazing Kacee Thanks. I will think about the uniqueness of my story so it can stand out.

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome Camila Hepplin. See my note on the previous longline.

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