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By Christopher Moore

GENRE: Drama, Crime

A special-needs teenager who is unable to cope with the sudden loss of his beloved mother acts as the head of household to protect his younger siblings from being split up in foster care.


Travis Dawkins is a mature teenager who’s biggest priority is looking after his younger siblings Amber (age 13) and Smiley (age 9). Suffering from high-functioning Autism, Travis blends in with a variety of the urban peers in this coming-of-age story. Things spin out of control after his mother dies in a tragic car accident. When Travis’ caretaker (Uncle White) faces serious jail time, a devoted case manager orders Travis, Amber and Smiley to be split up in foster care. Amber and Smiley move in with a spiritual yet shady Hispanic family The Santos. Meanwhile, Travis faces the harsh reality of living in an all-boys group home. Rejecting his living arrangements, Travis goes AWOL at the group home. He becomes obsessed with reuniting with his siblings. When Travis runs into a distant and protective Santos family, he starts to mentally unravel. Armed with a gun, Travis stands between his injured siblings and their deceitful foster parents. In the blink of an eye, Travis is rushed to the hospital with his health and freedom in jeopardy.

Gen Vardo

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Rhonda Stegall Aycock And Renee Stegall

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Derek C. Block

It's darn good. Almost there in terms of logline. The question here is, what is the inciting incident? Example: "After the [INCITING INCIDENT], a special needs teenager must assume the head of household to protect his younger siblings from being split up in foster care." E.g., "After the death/imprisonment/abandonment of their parents, a special needs teenager must......"

Derek C. Block

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Tasha Lewis

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Nate Rymer

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