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By Remo Federico Junior Mancini

GENRE: Sci-fi, Horror

A solitary cinephile gets involved in an absurd experiment, where his consciousness generates an alternative oniric dimension, populated by monsters and Hollywood stars with anthropomorphic features.


After mistakenly obtaining classified information, Biagio is abducted by secret services and thrust into an experiment that transports him to a dimension born of his own consciousness. Awakening in Anderra, a city with surreal architecture inhabited by anthropomorphic Hollywood actor-like beings, he forms alliances and fights for survival. Defeating a pig-like cook and overthrowing corrupt members of the Order of the Guards, Biagio encounters a strangely familiar girl named Daphne— a projection of the daughter he lost. Adopting her, he soon realizes that this dreamlike reality harbors more terrifying monsters, including his deceased wife's ghost, Viviana. Accusing Biagio of her and their unborn child's deaths, she plots his demise. After ten years, she manages to kidnap Daphne, but Biagio, grieving, banishes her spirit during their final showdown. However, as he reunites with his daughter, the experiment abruptly ends, and Biagio returns to the real world, where only sixty seconds have elapsed. Freed but longing to rejoin his new family, he searches for a way back to Anderra. Realizing the futility of replicating the experiment, he opts to end his life, hoping for a permanent return.


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