Shah Peerally's Reel

Introducing the Shah Peerally Productions Inc. A company producing movies and publishing books with a social message.

The Book The Immigration Lawyer Asylum - now on Paperback, EBook… Sarah is a successful corporate lawyer who has taken a special interest in the immigration case of Ahmad, who's seeking asylum in the United States. Red flags fly fast and furious as Ahmad's case is handled by the US Immigration in a very non-routine manner. Ahmad came to the...

h4 the curse

Sajda Karle - Wedding Dance for the movie Shattered Freedom

Watch the entire movie: ...

Alien Maximillian gets married for a Green Card! (Comedy Chapter… Fiction written by Shah Peerally Starring: Joe Barcelone as Alien Maximillian, Chaz Laredo as Immigration Officer Jeffrey, and Juliann Montufar as Alien Maximillian's wife Jane. Cameraman: Kalyan Palla Edited by Juliann Montufar The story is a comedy based on immigration law. This is the second episode following the episode -...

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