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By Mark Allen

GENRE: Horror

A renegade DEA agent, on the run from law enforcement and the Mexican drug cartels, finally gets held accountable for his sins by the ghosts of his past -- both the living, and the dead.


DEA operative BOB IVERSON is a sociopath. He is also a career field agent at the end of his career, and at the end of his rope. His partners have a nasty habit of getting killed in the line of duty. Both drugs and money always seem to be misplaced, misfiled, or otherwise mismanaged on his cases. The brass suspects Bob is dirty, but without evidence or witnesses, they cannot build a case to prove it. Their hands are tied.In the wake of yet another debacle, Bob unexpectedly retires from active service. But Regional Director DALE GARDNER, who was promoted over Bob into a position Bob had considered "his", is not willing to simply let things go. He continues his own investigation into Bob's activities, off the books.Bob buys a broken down old trading post at the edge of the desert. It does not get much business, which is fine by him. He plans to live quietly. Alone. Off the grid.All Bob wants is a bit of ISOLATION.But as he settles in, disturbing sounds and images begin to plague him. They begin in his dreams, then become stronger, more vivid, and spill over into his waking hours. To make matters worse, Bob runs afoul of the local sheriff, a devious man with his own dark agenda. Just when Bob thinks things cannot get any worse, he begins to receive nightly visits from DAVE, his last partner, and from the men of FIRE TEAM OMEGA, a special forces squad. The problem is, Dave was murdered on Bob's last assignment, and Fire Team Omega was slaughtered in an ambush in Central America some years back.As his ghostly visitors force Bob on a graphically terrifying trip down Memory Lane, their true purpose becomes clear. They are NOT there to kill him. They are there to serve a higher purpose -- to make sure Bob faces true Justice for his sins.All the story lines converge as the drug cartel members track Bob down on the same day Gardner and his DEA task force arrive to arrest him. The resulting showdown brings together all the ghosts from Bob's past -- both the living and the dead -- in a brutally violent and emotionally shattering climax where no one walks away unscathed.

Tasha Lewis

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