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By Susan Lee Hahn

GENRE: Drama, Sci-fi

A gifted American, female artist of Italian descent (35) moves into the Medici Artists colony in Tuscany where she discovers an immortality potion and learns that patron at the colony has been alive since the Renaissance. Her ancestral connection to him and to some of the great artists and scientists of the Renaissance puts his fate and the fate of humanity in her hands.


Inspired by some of the great artists and scientists of the Italian Renaissance, Chasing Time follows one woman's journey to the center of her soul and into her spiritual past, which ties her to the Renaissance and to the 'relic' patron at the artist colony. She also reunites with her soul mate, a man she was in love with throughout many of her past lifetimes.

ISABELLA BUONAVITA (35) comes from a long line of famous artists, dating back to the Renaissance. As the only child of a single, immigrant Italian mother, she knows very little about her ancestry until she goes to Italy to spread her ashes. her to Florence where she meets with the mysterious and elegant, LA SIGNORA, (70+). They instantly have an uncanny bond. She shows Isabella the city and the timeless art of the Renaissance, which reverberates with an other-worldly, deja vu quality. Isabella studies at an artists’ workshop with the infamous, LO FREDO (70+) and is soon chosen to attend the exclusive Medici Artists’ Colony, tucked away in Tuscany.

The patron of the Medici Artists colony, BRUNO MEDICI secretly watches Isabella and La Signora from his secluded villa through hidden cameras that he has strategically placed throughout Florence. He first appears as an old man until he ‘transforms’ with an apparatus that pumps a metallic liquid into his veins and reverts his body to a much younger state. He has been addicted to this immortality elixir since the Renaissance.

While in Florence, Isabella meets MICHAEL DONATI (40), a New York art dealer with Italian ancestry, and they fall timelessly in love. They each experience glimpses of a previous lifetime together when they were first in love during the Renaissance. Bruno separates them immediately and brings Isabella to the Medici colony.

The streets of Florence are filled with magic and mystery. The lovers are unknowingly pursued by CARLO PIAGENTINI, (40, street artist) who is on a mission to discover the legend of Basil Valentine, a fourteen century monk who created an immortality potion. His deceased parents spent their lives searching for it, and he suspects that it caused their untimely deaths. He wants the truth, the potion, and revenge for their deaths.

Isabella flourishes at the Medici Artists colony. Bruno and Isabella become close. She discovers her ancestral ties to him and to other great artists and scientists of the Renaissance. She inadvertently sees him take the immortality potion and witnesses his transformation. He tells her the truth, that he has been alive since the Renaissance and longs to set his soul free. He believes that she’s the incarnation of his only daughter with his great love, SOFIA and that only she can set him free because of the depth of the connection in their souls.

At her farewell party as she’s leaving the Medici Artists’ Colony, Michael, Carlo, and La Signora celebrate with them. She learns that La Signora is really Bruno’s beloved, Sofia who has also been alive over 500 years. Because of her ancestral and spiritual ties to them, she is the only person who can “release” them. As she says her final goodbyes, they ask her to open the window, which she realizes will set the curtains and the room on fire. Before she leaves them, she learns that Sofia is really Basil Valentine. In the end, she reunites with Michael, destroys the immortality potion, and ensures that the passion to create great art will survive inside the human condition because it is born out of the urgency to chase your own time here on earth.


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