Rob Watts

Rob Watts

District of the Monarchs

Las Vegas, Nevada

Member Since:
May 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Rob

I am an entrepanueral, writer/actor/director. Working towards becoming an indie flimmaker. In otherwords I'm a glutton for punishment. That being said I have a real passion for the game. I'm not looking to be a rich and famous celeb but rather a good solid artist. I feel there's so much more that can be done with this thing of ours besides chasing money and dreams of grandure. I'm based in Las Vegas and I'm ready to get it in, change the game and tear the doors off their hinges. Who's with me?

Unique traits: I'm honest in a world of confusion and deceit, hard working and level headed. Humble too, can't for get that.



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