Writing your Cover Letter with Special Guest Literary Manager Audrey Knox of The Cartel!

Hosted by The Write Now Challenge

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The Write Now Challenge

Webinar hosted by: The Write Now Challenge

We're back in the Writers' Room for The Write Now Challenge: Your Cover Letter with Special Guest Host Literary Manager Audrey Knox of The Cartel! Last year, Audrey signed a writer she met through a Stage 32 Script Service consultation. The writer's Feature project - CRUSHED - was produced by The Cartel and will premiere on Tubi. Full Bio »

Webinar Summary

We're back in the Writers' Room for The Write Now Challenge: Your Cover Letter with Special Guest Host Literary Manager Audrey Knox of The Cartel!

Last year, Audrey signed a writer she met through a Stage 32 Script Service consultation. The writer's Feature project - CRUSHED - was produced by The Cartel and will premiere on Tubi.

About Your Instructor

We're back in the Writers' Room for The Write Now Challenge: Your Cover Letter with Special Guest Host Literary Manager Audrey Knox of The Cartel!

Last year, Audrey signed a writer she met through a Stage 32 Script Service consultation. The writer's Feature project - CRUSHED - was produced by The Cartel and will premiere on Tubi.


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"Great stuff! Thank you for taking the time!" -Dan G.

"This has been incredibly valuable. Thanks to everyone who shared!" -Shelly B.

"Thanks, Audrey! This has been so helpful! I'm ready to tackle a cover letter now!" -Martha C.

"Thanks Kay. Great advice from Audrey yet again. Thanks!" -Noel T.


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Reviews Average Rating: 5 out of 5

  • This was great to get advise on how to write a knock-out cover letter which ultimately will translate to how writers query managers seeking representation. Audrey was insightful and impactful on the way she delivered what worked and what didn't with each cover letter. Plus it was exciting to hear yours read out loud! :D

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