Pitch Scott Schulman (Sunday, May 30th 2021)

All written and live spots have been completely booked for this pitch session.
Click here to see a list of all available executives.

Pitch Scott Schulman

Scott Schulman is a Literary Manager who staffs writers at major networks and streamers, and is a champion of helping writers break into the industry. He is currently building a roster of emerging voices and has a passion for representing and inspiring writers. His motto is “Dream big and dare to fail.”

Scott signed Stage 32 member Jolie Huang who he met through a Stage 32 pitch session! 

Scott works with many companies selling projects including 21 Laps (STRANGER THINGS, FREE GUY), Netflix, Sugar 23, Phoenix Pictures, Omaha Productions, Fabel Entertainment, Mar Vista, CBS and more. He represents the Co-Executive Producers and writers of the hit Netflix series THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, and has clients on the shows: DUMPED (Netflix), FBI: MOST WANTED (CBS), NCIS: LA (CBS), SO HELP ME TODD (CBS). 

He sold two feature films for his clients last year as well as a TV pilot to Netflix. As a manager he is very adamant about breaking the barrier for women by helping get their voices heard.

Scott was a manager at powerhouse management firm More/Medavoy Management, founded by Brian Meadavoy and Erwin More. He first started representing actors and then transitioned to writers. 

He began his career at A3 Artist Agency as a junior agent in below the line packaging. He got his start working at Fremantle with over 200 titles in business affairs in both scripted and non-scripted television. 

Scott previously served on the Board of Directors for the entertainment organization, HRTS Associates.


"Just had a script consult with Scott Schulman. His review was quick, calling me within 48 hours of my submission. His comments were insightful and incredibly well informed and his recommendations were inspiring. He was practical yet passionate. I would have happily paid a good deal more for Scott’s time, knowledge and expertise." - Frank P. 

"My meeting(s) with Scott Schulman were very inspiring, and provided the positive kick in the butt I needed in order to continue believing in my work and refining the craft. Scott has great energy, much to say about the business of film and TV, and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. I plan to consult with him again in the future. Thanks!" - Anthony S.

"Scott Schulman is incredibly passionate about what he does. He offers practical advice and truly cares about your success. He helped me completely change my strategy of being a writer. He is the one who taught me that it is more than just writing a good script. He taught me that being a great writer is only a quarter of the battle. It is about selling yourself and having something significant to say. Once I was able to change my way of thinking, I know that played a significant part in my success." - Cameron J

"Tell Scott thank you from me please. (His) advice is great ...I'm encouraged from the feedback." - Kelvin C

"I was incredibly impressed with Lit Manager, Scott Schulman, who read and consulted on a rather complex and unusual feature drama I sent him. Scott was able to easily pinpoint specific areas within the story which he felt could benefit from some deeper expansion. Not re-writing, per se, but really going a bit further into the sandbox to achieve a more impactful resonance with the story. Scott also shared some excellent comps to Award-Winning films which have traveled along similar territory and explored similar themes. Insightful and highly personable, Scott's a total pro who clearly knows his stuff. Highly recommend. A+.

-- DT Houston"


Scott specializes in most genres of Feature Film and TV and TV Scripts. 


Tips on pitching to Scott Schulman


  • You may only pitch ONE project per reservation. Execs are looking for projects they can develop, NOT portfolios.
  • You should have a completed script available upon request for the project you pitch.
  • Do not reach out to the executives unless directed by Stage 32. They do NOT accept unsolicited material or appreciate being cold-called/emailed by strangers.
  • Missed reservations are not refundable and will not be rescheduled.

Live Pitches

Within 15 minutes of your scheduled pitch, the exec will reach out by Skype or Phone. Your pitch session will last approximately 8 minutes.

Written Pitches

Written Pitches will be no more than 2 pages submitted as a PDF or WORD document. Any written pitch uploaded past the deadline will not be shown to the executive and will result in a non-refundable forfeiture of your pitch.


Within 3-4 weeks of your pitch session, you will receive a Pitch Scorecard on which the exec you pitched will provide pitch feedback and note if they are PASSing, or would like to REQUEST your material.

If you are requested, you will be notified via email with further instructions. The execs will have 2-3 months to review your material and note if they are PASSing, or would like a MEETING. If a meeting is requested, we will introduce you via email.

Please understand that these are working executives, and their schedules are subject to change at a moment's notice. We always strive to give you at least 24 hours of notice if a session has been cancelled, and we will recommend another executive for you to pitch your material to.

Need help with your pitch?
Download the Stage 32 Pitching Guidebook

Questions or Concerns?

What Are Stage 32 Pitch Sessions?

You've written your feature screenplay or TV pilot and you believe it is ready for the market. But, how do you know if your script or pitch are in the best shape to take your project - or your career - to the next level?

Whether you're preparing to find (or switch) representation, or go out with a script to production companies, studios or buyers, Stage 32 Pitch Sessions are a great first step to make sure you are on the right track.

For nearly a decade Stage 32 has maintained professional relationships with over 1,000 industry professionals including development executives, managers and producers across the industry. These executives work with us to listen to your pitch and provide feedback for you, all while finding undiscovered scripts they wouldn't normally have access to. With executives helping you understand what works and doesn't work with your material you can continue to hone your script and pitch as you prepare to go to market.

Through feedback given during Stage 32 Pitch Sessions, hundreds of writers have had success in their careers. Stage 32 writers have moved on to be signed, optioned, produced (including the 2020 film CHICK FIGHT), or put into development with industry professionals. In fact, in the last year alone, there were over 2,000 script requests and 500 meetings set up with industry professionals for writers through Stage 32.

How Does a Pitch via Skype or Phone Work?

Part of having a great script means that you have to be prepared to pitch it in a room or through a video pitch. It's important that you know the nuts and bolts of your pitch in order to give yourself the best chance for success when pitching it. We're here to help you.

In our Skype or Phone pitches, you have the option to pitch face-to-face directly with the executive through Skype or via telephone. Your pitch will be 8 minutes in total. It is up to you on how you want to use your time, but we recommend you spend 5-6 minutes to pitch your project, followed by 2-3 minutes of questions or feedback from the person to whom you are pitching.

This is a great way to work out pitching your material while establishing a new connection in the industry! You will be able to interact with the executive of your choice who specializes in the genre and format of your project. Would you like tips on how to pitch live? Download our pitching guidebook here.

How Does a Written Pitch Work?

Don't feel comfortable pitching live yet? Not a problem! Alternatively, you can submit a written pitch of up to 2-pages in length. This option is perfect for those writers who feel more comfortable expressing their ideas on the page rather than in person. It also allows for flexibility if you are unable to pitch live during a scheduled session.

Would you like an example of a written pitch? Simply email writerhelp@stage32.com for a sample written pitch.

5 Tips To Make Your Pitch Successful

Remember that executives who are hearing your pitch are supportive and want to give you the tools to succeed! There are ways in which you can help make that happen. Here are some tips to help you during your pitch.

  1. Talk briefly about yourself and your connection to the material.
  2. Give the title, logeline, genre(s), and comparable film or television tiles.
  3. Set up the world in which your story takes place in and then the protagonist. Then dive into the story pitch.
  4. Less is more! Make sure that your pitch is clear, concise, focused, and engaging. Do not try to pack too much into your initial 5-6 minutes and be sure to leave time for questions and answers.
  5. Be polite and receptive - remember the person on the other end does this for a living and their feedback is invaluable for you to understand where you fare in the marketplace.

Do not ask the executive if they want to read your script during the pitch. Do not reach out to an executive outside of the Stage 32 platform. Doing so will have the opposite of the intended effect. Stage 32 is a professional organization and if there is interest in your script, we will facilitate the request.

These are set up as industry-standard professional pitching sessions so we expect you to be fully prepared. If you have questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact the Stage 32 Script Services team at any time writerhelp@stage32.com. We're happy to help.

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