Cinematography : Trying out my new BLACKMAGIC 4k cinema camera by Sohaila Lindheim

Sohaila Lindheim

Trying out my new BLACKMAGIC 4k cinema camera

What up beautiful creatives!

Shot the promo for my next film 'Deterioration of Man' on the blackmagic 4k cinema camera and I love her! What a camera. Love the size, easy to use, beautiful images. Hope you like the promo. Anyone else use this camera?

Jason Todd

Great promo! Really liked it.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

This kept me interested. BMC has an amazing line, and good to see it's working for you.

Sohaila Lindheim

Thanks a lot

Leya Kokoravec

Congratulations on your new camera. I got our Pocket 4K two years ago and I've never looked back. So much bang for the buck.

We actually want to shoot a feature comedy on the P4K end of this summer.

Sohaila Lindheim

Thanks a lot. Oh so much bang for the buck. I love it. Best of luck with the feature

Karen "Kay" Ross

Love the subtle motion of the camera - great work! What made you chose the BM 4k? I've heard mixed reviews about the extra cost of its accessories.

Sohaila Lindheim

Thanks guys. Ya Karen the extras can add up up quickly..though I was lucky I got a good deal. Just imported some cinematic Luts and they are incredible.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Ooo... I'd love for you to start a new post to expand on those Cinematic Luts! Was the deal for a used camera or just on sale?

Johnny K. Wu

We love our BMPCC4K, just finished a feature using it with Sirui 35mm Anamouphic lenses, you may want to check those lenses out. :)

Vital Butinar

I love our BMP4K too. We got it about two years back and it's awesome. We though we'd use it for our own and smaller projects but we've been able to use it in a couple of more budget projects too and it made such a difference with the BRAW and being able to grade so awesome in Davinci.

I just love it.

But we did get a focal reducer and put EF lenses on it.

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