Filmmaking / Directing : Important read if you're about to produce your own project by Matthew Cornwell

Matthew Cornwell

Important read if you're about to produce your own project

This came from the Stage32 Blog, and I think it's important for filmmakers. It chronicles the journey of making something on a shoestring budget, the obstacles that arise, and the persistence and determination it takes to get past them.

Personally, I've experienced some of this on my own projects. When the hiccups are small, they can actually be gifts as they force you to get creative and discover a solution in the moment. The larger obstacles can be catastrophic, of course, but it all comes with the territory.

Chaun Lee

This is a great blog post. Thank you for sharing, Matthew Cornwell !

Dara S Page

This is a great blog post.

Debbie Croysdale

@Matthew Thanks for share. A great read both fun and informative!

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Superb and terrifying post on that project, wow!!

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