Your Stage : New pilot screenplay released. by Sid Kramer

Sid Kramer

New pilot screenplay released.

It's fun to meet your self-imposed deadlines. Keep up the good fight against procrastination! This was a fun family project. I adapted my mother's novels into a series; here are the series and pilot concepts. I will upload the pilot soon. Keep up the good work, everyone, and enjoy your craft.

The Search, is a sixty-minute pilot for a new Western series. It is a screen adaptation of a trilogy of books. LILLY GOING WEST, MELINDA ANN, & END OF THE LINE.

Pilot Logline: An unhappily married, strong-willed woman leaves her husband to pursue her family's past. She embarks on a cross-country adventure, discovering hidden letters about her grandmother Lilly's past, telling the tale of Ruby's Parlor House and the Wild and Woolly West!

THE OCHARD-KINGLEYS; Series Logline: A woman from the late Victorian era searches for her family's secrets and the truth of her ancestry. She makes discoveries and gets entangled in her own secrets. She realizes that skeletons in the closet are best kept a secret.

The Search is the pilot for the series The Orchard-Kingsleys. The story is driven by strong-willed women. This family’s epic drama of discovery and self-directed destiny will have us rooting for them to succeed. They'll rip your heart out with hills and valleys of emotion, then keep you laughing and guessing what will happen next. The adventure is set in the American West from 1875 - 1945. A costume delight, a period piece with the beauty and grandeur we expect in a Western. Make it big, do it right, and give it class.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sid Kramer. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge because it’s just promotion. You can include promotion in your introduction post, but you need to introduce/reintroduce yourself to the community. You could check out other posts in the Introduce Yourself Lounge to get ideas for your introduction post. Let me know if you have any questions.

Sid Kramer

Do we introduce ourselves repeatedly with each project, or do we just repeat our bio? I'm sorry. I have been here for some time, but I don't want to put something where it doesn't belong.

Maurice Vaughan

Sid Kramer Well, the Introduce Yourself Lounge isn’t for introducing projects. The Your Stage Lounge and Your Wall are places to do that. The Introduce Yourself Lounge is about introducing/reintroducing yourself to the community, which can include things like what you're working on, your goals, etc. I suggest changing up your post each time you introduce yourself.

Sam Rivera

Thank you for sharing Sid Kramer! This looks great!

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