On Writing : Looking for Poets by Matthew Kirkman

Looking for Poets

Hi, I run a YouTube channel that mixes nature footage and poetry. I've been looking to meet more poets who would be interested in writing for the channel. Does anyone here have any ideas on how I can reach more poets? Organizations or meetups?

Traveling Ed Teja

I'd be interest Matthew and Poets & Writers as well as Writer's Digest would be a logical place to send a press release.

Laurie Gabriel

There might be Facebook, poet groups. I'd try linked.com groups as well. Posting flyers where people do open mikes. Yelp would be a place to find those. They're generally in coffee shops. And try typing in open mic poetry on google for listings. I write surrealistic poetry. Let me know if you'd like me to send samples.

Matthew Kirkman

Thanks for the ideas!

Tasha Lewis

I'm publishing my mother's book of poetry as a tribute to her life. Would love to promote it on there and donate proceeds to scholarship.

William Furst

I have series of poems I sell on Amazon.

You can text me online and let's work together.

Dea Divi

You need some poems? I'm a poet as well

Andrew Essiet

I am a Poet with five Ghostwritten Poetry Books. I shall be loyal to your appointment that will help me display my general Poetic breath to your satisfaction, please.

Holly Lancaster

I'm a poet!

Holly Lancaster

Oh shoot. This is a year old. Still looking for poets?

WL Wright

Twitter has a ton of them. I do rhymes not traditional poetry and I'm always surprised at the ones that people like the most. It's my side gig to screenwriting.

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