First and last nuclear war | Doug Mazell

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Doug Mazell

First and Last Nuclear War

The First and Last Nuclear War is the first step in an attempt to obtain a Ph.D in Anthropology and Philosophy. Hypothesis: There are two sets of software running in the human brain. One set keeps the individual human alive without any input from the operator. The second set of software help manufacture large number of humans and creates the rules and regulation to keep all these humans alive. The human brain has created every religion, every culture and every societies to facilitate and manage all of humanity. The software also divides humans into groups to create scenarios where humans have to make war on each other. What are the three byproducts of war? 1) Dead humans 2) Monuments to the dead humans 3) Magical technology that propels humanity forward. Conclusion: Human brain software has its own agenda for a yet unknown purpose. If this software in the human brain can be reprogrammed, then humanity can write any future imaginable. If this is true - what should humanity do its future?

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