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By John MacNeil

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama

Politics, power and money working together to provide scientific testing of death row inmates to better mankind...or to at least, fulfill their agendas


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Rick Pinkerton is a very well respected Congressman out of Florida. He is currently in his fourth term and may one day take a run at the White House. He has a beautiful wife, Priscilla, one daughter, Amanda. Rick and Priscilla are both in their early 50’s while Amanda recently turned 22 and is fresh out of Florida State University with a degree in political science.

Rick loves spending time with his family, but he spends most of his time working in Washington. He tries to get home most weekends but it’s been a few weeks since he was able to make it home. Thanksgiving week is right around the corner, which Rick is really looking forward to relaxing and doing some fishing. Rick has a nice seventy foot yacht that he and his family use frequently.

On Friday morning Rick gets an alarming call from officials in his home town of Punta Gorda, Florida. There was a break and enter at his home and that Priscilla was found dead. His daughter Amanda was still alive but badly beaten and raped. The police have found the suspect and have him in custody.

Rick immediately returns to the Florida hospital where Amanda is in stable condition but also an emotional wreck over what happened to her and her mother. Rick spends the morning consoling Amanda, he meets with doctors who inform Rick that the suspect they have in custody is HIV positive and it looks as if Amanda was exposed to the virus.

Rick is devastated at the prospect of losing the only person left in his life that means anything. Rick is determined to save Amanda, he spends countless hours researching and talking with specialists, what he concludes from all of the doctors and research that the only way to really find a cure for his daughter and so many others is by way of human drug trials that have never been allowed in the U.S.

After a few days Amanda is released from the hospital where her and Rick are staying on their yacht as neither one of them plans on going back to their old home. They are preparing for Priscilla’s funeral which is slated for Friday, Black Friday of all things.

The following week Rick and Amanda head back to Washington where Rick plans on using all his available resources, especially big Pharma representative Bob Jenkins, to help him with his plans to help his daughter. Rick calls a closed door session with Bob and some of his closest colleges. He has come up with what he believes is the best solution.

He proposes that scientific human testing should be conducted on death row inmates. The inmates would be given the option of extending their stay of execution or to continue with their execution. Rick sugar coats the request by saying that they can repay some of their debt to society and by doing so may live on under doctor’s care indefinitely. Being met with some criticism, moral conflict and integrity issues, they take time to consider his proposition.

Bob Jenkins and big pharma, have their own agenda by using Rick’s influence and secrecy to develop vaccines they plan on using to control the earth’s population. They believe with the current growth of the earth’s population, earth’s resources will expire within 25 years.

They have been developing a cure for both AIDS and Cancer which they have been keeping under wraps for many years. They will then combine these medicines with XDrug in vaccine form that will stay dormant in ones system for up to three years. Shortly after the three year period the people who have been vaccinated, their bodies will release the dormant XDrug causing all of their major organs to fail and ultimately death.

Bob would like to proceed at Rick’s discretion. Rick then sets up a meeting with Paul Maynard, warden of his Federal Penitentiary to address his plans. Rick and Bob convince Mr. Maynard that his participation in this venture will be very lucrative and a huge career move. It is agreed, renovations of an older wing of the prison will be conducted to house these experiments.

The agreement is that none of this will be public knowledge as Congress has not yet passed the legislation to do such experiments, but assures warden Maynard that the legislation will be passed in due time. In the past few years many laws have been changed and passed in regards to executions which are now not open for public viewings. These new laws will make these studies much more viable.

Rick and Bob then begin to look for some of the best research scientists in the world to find cures for aids, cancer, and many others. Bob finally recommends a Dr. Sigmund Reed out of the UK, who has been shunned for years by his colleagues for unethical, but effective treatments of some of his patients. Rick agrees that they need someone with Dr. Reed’s background. During this time, the restoration of Paul’s prison is almost complete. Paul is busy staffing it with the appropriate guards and nursing staff to assist in the testing.

A few months have passed and the new wing of the prison is complete. Paul has been reviewing some of the inmate’s cases to decide on who will be chosen to take part in this program. Paul decides that it is best to wait until the inmate is due for execution, strapped in the chamber and given their last rights before they make the offer to enter into the program. This way the inmate will be more receptive to the program and what it offers.

If the inmates choose to take part in the program they will be transported to the new wing where Dr. Reed will inform them of what disease they will be infected with to find a cure. The diseases are ultimately the choice of Dr. Reed, but in some instances, recommendations are made by Mr. Maynard and others.

There is a close look inside each inmates file to better understand what brought them to the row.

Inmate (197421) Steve White

Death Row 10 years

File shows Steve convicted murderer/drug dealer.

He was operating a meth lab inside the basement of his home where he lived with his wife and son. While he was out one night dealing is meth the lab exploded catching his house on fire and ultimately killing his wife and child. His wife’s family pushed for the death penalty, which they received. Being in prison on death row, Steve has been off drugs and remorseful over what he has done and being sober now he has to live with what he has done.

Inmate (194321) Jesus Gomez

Death Row 14 years

File shows Jesus a convicted gang member, convicted murder of a rival gang member’s family. Hector is a lifelong criminal, fresh out of prison; he targets a rival gang member’s family. He tracks down the guy’s wife, sister, and two daughters out shopping. He followed them, ran them off the road, walked up to them and executed all four point blank.

The other members of his gang videotaped the murders and tried to send it to the rival gang member in prison. The recording was intercepted by police who tied Hector to the murders.

Paul decides that both Steve and Jesus will be the first two inmates chosen for the program. Steve will most likely be infected with the HIV virus, while Jesus will suffer a much worse fate. Jesus will be infected with a skin eating disease they have not been able to test successfully as the strain is so aggressive.

Both men are given the same treatment, Steve and Jesus are both brought down to the death chamber where they are made aware of the program. They both agree to the terms and are quickly sent to the new wing of the prison.

In the new wing they are met by head nurse Amy Smith a 34yr old from Chicago, who will be in charge of their medications and daily needs. Amy was hired due to her working with U.S. military overseas and has the necessary classified clearance needed for this type of engagement. Amy is fully aware that she is not to disclose anything that goes on behind prison walls.

More available upon request

Lynanda ODell

I really enjoyed reading this. The story is very interesting and your synapsis leaves me wanting to know more.

Lynanda ODell

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John MacNeil

Thank you Lynanda

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