Success Stories: FEB'28 Requested!

Mitch Smith


Just had my script requested by Dimension Films! Super excited! A big thanks to Joey and the whole Stage 32 family for giving me this opportunity!

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Congratulations. It never gets old.

Eric Westlake

That's very exciting. Best of luck moving forward, Mitch.

Helena Ellison

How exciting, congrats!

Emma J Steele

Congratulations, Mitch!! Fantastic news, good luck!

Adeboye Adeleke

Dimension Films! Wow! Huge one friend. I wish you a greenlight on your chance.

Barbara Albers Jackson

Congrats, Mitch.

William G Chandler Jr

That's good stuff. I loved Scream.

Jeff Townsend

New to the site. How do you get your script requested?

Eric Pagan

Jeff, click on the Happy Writers tab and choose who you would like to pitch to.

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