Introduce Yourself : Hello again, hello. I've just come to say hello! by J Medina

J Medina

Hello again, hello. I've just come to say hello!

Hello again, gang! Every so often I like to re-introduce myself. My name is Jaime, I'm a retired Police Officer who hasn't rushed back to work(much to my wife's chagrin!) so I can follow my true passion of screenwriting. In the few years I've been retired, I've written three features and a few shorts. Still looking for that first sale, but I'm not giving up. Feel free to drop a line if you just wanna say hello or if you need some technical advice for that cop story you're writing! God bless and have a wonderful day!

Allen Lynch

Hello again Jaime!

J Medina

Hey, Allen! Hope all is well!

Allen Lynch

All is well. Wish the same for you!

J Medina

thank you, sir!

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