Screenwriting : Screenwriters read up: by Matt Bailey

Matt Bailey
Adam Steinfeld

thanks for posting, very helpful.

Gilberto Villahermosa

Thanks, Matt! A great and worthwhile post!

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

I love that several gatekeepers said they hate horror, which many will tell you is the easiest genre script to sell. F#k it. Be original, don't follow trends and don't bore the shit out of people with your writing. Write a f%king page turner.

Dan Guardino

I thought that was interesting but when I think of gatekeepers I think of agents not producers. My agent and I both feel that any story has a chance if it is well written. I know producers want something different as long as it's the same crap they always make.

Brian Shell

Dan Guardino Brilliant insight! Step right up, take a chance, and win some crap - Steve Martin in The Jerk ;-)

Dominique LaFleur

I read this some time ago. It was a good read. Everyone’s journey is different but the end result the same.

Shara Maude

SO, what I'm hearing is shorter, different, creative and diverse. That's interesting advice.

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