Introduce Yourself : Dang - It's been so long! by Diandra Anne Mamo

Diandra Anne Mamo

Dang - It's been so long!

Hey Folks!

Hope this finds all well. Got caught into trying to book a Skype session with Jim Young on a project I've been working on, missed my chance and found myself wound up back here.

To those who managed, good on you!

Name's Diandra Anne. I'm an actor, writer and director. On the first two I am slowly learning and adapting into their other forms and genres, but my forte is in theatre.

One good thing I can say about this pandemic - which has hit my island Malta for the past few months, though alittle quiet at present - is this immediate sense of diving into creativity as though pandemics are a regular thing. At least it felt that way after reality hit my country.

To contacts whom I've recently accepted their invites - thanks! Looking forward to further acquaintance with y'all.

Small positive advice - make sure you laugh today. Chaplin said "A day without laughter is a day waster".

My recent role model Rob Paulsen chimes - "Laughter is the best medicine. The cool thing is you can't OD and the refills are free" =)

God bless!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Diandra Anne Mamo ! So glad to meet you! And thanks for all the uplifting messages! Have you checked out the Actors Lounge? I think you'll enjoy some of the conversations going on there:

Ooo, Malta?! Would you be interested in participating in the "Paris, Je T'aime" challenge I posted in the Filmmakers Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their city:

Wait, what happened with Jim Young? Did you have the meeting, and it didn't go anywhere? Or you didn't even have the meeting?

Enjoy exploring, and don't forget to comment and respond to others posts, too!

John James

Well that's cool. How was your week?

Diandra Anne Mamo

Hey Karen "Kay" Ross ! No I had simply seen the email and when I went to book a session with him it was already fully booked. But yeah as Marjolein said, it'll be another time in the future :)

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