Filmmaking / Directing : Hollywood Buying Spree? by Bill Lonero

Bill Lonero

Hollywood Buying Spree?

Do you think Hollywood will go on a buying spree for scripts once the shelter in place is over? Or do you think they will greenlight more movies that have been on the fence before?

Mista Martel

I sure hope so

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

I think not. Production has stopped. Development is going full force, so if they aren't on a buying spree now, it's not going to happen IMO.

Cannon Rosenau

Good question! Who knows?!

Follow my train of thought here, but I live in a small tourist town within an hour of a super strictly closed down town is hoppin busy beginning without even the restaurants open, just the shops. People are excited to get shtuff done and be out of the frogging house (pardon my foul mouth).

But it could go the way Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg ... people playing catch-up on what they already have.

It's anybody's guess!

Debbie Croysdale

Hollywood has always done its own thing. I don’t think pre pandemic screenplays and post pandemic screenplays, have any particular edge over each other. Major studios will do whatever makes most money for them at any given time. There might be a wild card aspect, projects previously green lighted, now maybe on back burner. This is an Epoch Apocalypse, anyone who disagrees check death rates, time for films that blow standardisation out of the water.

Dan MaxXx

Ask your reps. It's their jobs to know Buyers.

Anyone here sold a screenplay or a tv idea to a network/ studio this year?

Christopher Phillips

I know some writers that recently did some deals. Is it a spree? Not sure. But one producer mentioned that people are buying all the way out to 2021 already since current production is backed up.

Doug Nelson

Hollywood went on a tear a couple of decades ago - when they optioned or bought everything we wrote. I don't see those days returning anytime.

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