Introduce Yourself : Film director/filmmaker from Slovenia by Vital Butinar

Vital Butinar

Film director/filmmaker from Slovenia

Well I've been on Stage 32 for a while now and I know quite a few people.

But I there's always more people to connect with.

Anyway I'm a filmmaker from Slovenia and for the last couple of months I've been working together with my partner Leya Kokoravec and our team on a couple of interesting projects.

One of witch is a fantasy TV series pilote episode that we shot a couple of weeks ago and is currently in post production. Maybe Leya will post a couple of screenshots.

The other is that we've been developing is feature film called The Digits that we've been working with closely with a member also from Stage 32. This is a film that I'd one day like to shoot in the US and it's a psychological thriller.

Why I love filmmaking so much is because I've finally found something where I can use the knowledge that I've gathered elsewhere all in once place and that's why I love meeting new people in the industry.

So shoot me a line and stay safe everyone.


Amanda Toney

Glad to have you here from Solvenia. Too cool that you just shot the pilot for your fantasy series! I'm curious how shooting with COVID limitations was for you? Any tips you can share?

Vital Butinar

Hey Amanda Toney and thank you too! Well actually it wasn't that bad since at the time when we shot the pilot we had very few restrictions and basically none that were mandated.

But we took precautions anyway. The good news was that most of the production team was family (me, the DP, AD, costume designer and a PA are all family, plus two of the talents) and we only had two people that were considered vulnerable so we took more protrusions with them.

Most of the time we shot outside where it wasn't much of a problem since we could keep distance to each other and the times when we shot inside the vulnerable crew members and talent had masks.

The makeup artist took special precautions when working with talent but I think the most important thing that we did was that all of us kept our guard up the week before we started shooting and watched out to not exposes ourselves to unnecessary risk. We all agreed on zoom meetings that we wouldn't expose ourselves to any risk before the shoot and that if anyone had any symptoms or felt bad that we wouldn't come on set and risk others.

Thankfully everything worked and everyone was fine.

But we did have a lot of fun shooting the pilote episode which is called Innocent Love by the way and shows two young innocent lovers as the girl becomes ill and the boy gets his faith tested in the supernatural finding a way to save his lover.

Roger Hewett

Very interesting project...The Digits. Great trailer!

Vital Butinar

Thank you Roger Hewett . Yes the publicist said that we needed to start showing some graphic material so Leya Kokoravec went into action and shot some B-roll with stuff we had at hope and used a little stock footage and then edited the hell out of it.

We've actually gotten a band that we work with and love their music to agree to score the film. So the next thing will be putting out will already have themed music and we're also thinking of shooting a proof of concept short.

Roger Hewett

Vital Butinar ...Sounds fantastic! Look forward to seeing it develop.

Vital Butinar

Well Roger Hewett things are moving along so you just might be able to.

Roger Hewett

Excellent news, Vital Butinar!

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