Introduce Yourself : Thank you, Stage 32! by David Gollob

David Gollob

Thank you, Stage 32!

I've been a writer all my life (journalism, documentaries) but nothing has ever challenged me like screenwriting, Your resources are awesome! I have so MUCH to learn,, and you have made me feel welcome and at home in this community as I pursue my FOURTH career! Life is long, life is good!

Richard "RB" Botto

On behalf of the entire Stage 32 team, thank you for this post, David. So very kind and thoughtful. Means a great deal. Thanks for all the positive energy and congratulations on going after your goals. Inspiring!

Jaye Adams

Welcome David and love the ambition! The community and the resources, especially the educational webinars on here are fantastic, you’re in good hands! :)

David Gollob

Thanks guys- I am watching a s 32 webinar right now!!! Brilliant and quality!!

Katherine Alva Cerulean

Welcome! With 4 careers, you must not sleep -- keep rocking!

David Gollob

Hi Katherine and Marjolein... sorry but I couldn’t click to respond individually... yes I have had four careers but not all at once! And no I don’t sleep much with time zones etc and so MUCH to absorb but I am determined and that’s how I became a foreign correspondent based in Latin America so I’ve done this before , but somehow it seems like a steeper hill now ! Thanks for your encouragement and I wish you luck as well

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