Success Stories: APR'30 The Prototype has been nominated in the UK

Marcelo Grion

The Prototype has been nominated in the UK

My first feature film THE PROTOTYPE, mostly self funded and over 20 years in the making, has been nominated for Best independent film of 2022 and best screenplay! It will be my first ever Red Carpet event. The Prototype nominated for Best independent film of 2022 and Best screenplay

Cherelynn Baker


Larry DeGala

That is great news! I salute you, Good Sir! Congratulations and many more successes!

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats, Marcelo Grion! That's a great accomplishment!

Marcelo Grion

Much appreciated!!! thank you for supporting

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Marcelo Grion.

E. M. Watson

Marcelo! Fantastic! What an accomplishment!

Marcelo Grion

Thank you very much!!!

Marcelo Grion


Lisa Lee


Marcelo Grion

Thank you!!

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