Anything Goes : Anyone on Threads yet? by Cheri Krueger

Cheri Krueger

Anyone on Threads yet?

I'm there as cheri\_krueger\_writer if you want to follow.

Richard "RB" Botto

@rbwalksintoabar - Both Threads and IG

Emily J

I'm there but I'd rather be here ;)

Cheri Krueger

I’m feeling my way around both places. And avoiding that bird place. :)

Richard "RB" Botto

I agree with Emily. Seems that's true of many others as well. We're setting new member signup and user activity records every day.

Cheri Krueger

I like the engagement so far and there’s no pressure to use visuals which makes it cleaner and more relaxed. There is a movement to instablock nasty people rather than engage (duh) which I hope gains traction.

Negus Ali

Negus_ali on threads

Richard "RB" Botto

The amount of people who write in weekly speaking to how they've deleted Twitter and other broad based social apps and settling exclusively here is staggering. Creatives are hungry for positivity and are protecting their mental health. I certainly can't blame them. Those waters are more than murky these days.

Richard Buzzell

"A shitstorm of people being awful to people" was how Harry Styles described Twitter. Who needs it?

Richard "RB" Botto

Less and less people by the day it seems, Richard Buzzell. Heard from another big exec this morning who wrote me with "I'm done with that cesspool" and is now making Stage 32 his main home.

Being miserable is a choice, being happy is a choice.

Debbie Elicksen

Cheri Krueger Yes! I like it so far. The engagement is good and the people are good because they are the ones I choose to follow on Instagram. I zap toxic people from my feed. Unfortunately, I notice in Twitter that my feed is made up of not just my followers, but people I do not choose to follow. Also, the hashtags seem to be hijacked by bots and spammers. Yea, I pushed the Twitter app to the back of my apps and moved Threads and TikTok to the home page.

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