Introduce Yourself : Hello! Again! :) by J. Franklin Evans

J. Franklin Evans

Hello! Again! :)

I mostly write horror features, with a couple of scifi and fantasy screenplays and pilots thrown in. I've also written some short scripts, again mostly horror. I live in Northern California, after growing up in Georgia (Middle Georgia, and then Savannah for several years), which influences the tone of my writing. I've been told I write like I talk, which I reckon is a Good Thing.

I'm not currently working on anything new except a podcast I created to try to get my writing some attention. (Stories That Suck, at ). I've also been doing some mini-movie reviews of older films on TikTok if you'd like to check them out. ( ). My loglines are posted here, should you be so inclined.

I hope everyone has a productive, or at least relaxing and pleasant, weekend!

Stories That Suck * A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters
Stories That Suck * A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters
No-talent hack writer J. Franklin Evans narrates his horror, fantasy, and science fiction stories. Just what the world needs. Do these stories actually suck? Let him know!
Maurice Vaughan

Hey, J. Franklin Evans. Hope your year's going great. I listened to one of your podcasts. Really liked it. I plan on listening to more.

J. Franklin Evans
Geoff Hall

J. Franklin Evans great to see you on the IYW. I hope you meet lots of helpful, creative people. Why do you think you’re drawn to the horror genre?

J. Franklin Evans

Geoff Hall I don't know, really. I've always dug horror movies -- especially monster movies -- since I was a little kid. When I saw Alien in the theater in 1979 -- I was 16 at the time -- that sort of cemented my love of the genre and desire to create more of that sort of film.

David Abrookin

Happy IYW, J. Franklin Evans! Really clever concept for a podcast!

J. Franklin Evans

Thanks, David Abrookin !

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