Introduce Yourself : Hello colleagues by Sergei Kondrashov

Sergei Kondrashov

Hello colleagues

Hi, my name is Sergei, and I am a composer and sound designer. I have been involved in music since I was 11 years old, playing drums, guitar, and piano. Unfortunately, I do not have formal musical education. But my whole life has been an education :) And now, at the age of 38, I have come a long way to showcase what I have learned and to be seen by others. I am self-taught. I have worked as a taxi driver, at KFC, as a programmer, and in many other jobs, while perfecting my music skills and creating my portfolio in my spare time.

My life's main credo is to never settle for what has been achieved and to never give up. Everything is within our power. Two years ago, I competed in the Artmasters music competition against composers with formal music education. I passed the preliminary round, then two more rounds, but did not make it to the final round, finishing 11th out of 10 available spots :) However, this exposure caught the attention of TV series producers.

I wrote all of this to encourage everyone to never stop striving and to keep moving forward despite setbacks or difficulties. Thank you all for being here. It's only my first day, and I hope to meet many new and talented people in my beloved film industry. Wishing everyone a great mood and a wonderful day, colleagues!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Sergei Kondrashov. Congratulations on all your accomplishments! I'm self-taught too (screenwriting, writing, and pitch decks). I listened to some of your songs. Excellent music!

Leonardo Ramirez

Love your zeal, Sergei Kondrashov. I grew up as a musician as well and remember that in some cases, a formal education can actually become a stumbling block which is why there is a thing called the Suzuki method. There's great value in learning on your own so congratulations on that. And you're right, never rest on what you've accomplished.

Sam Rivera

Hi Sergei Kondrashov thank you for introducing yourself and sharing your journey! do you have any of your own pieces available to listen to?

Eon C. Rambally

Impressive, Sergei Kondrashov ! A lot of what I have accomplished came from being self taught. It's what you do in the world of film anyhow! It's a responsibility to put out materials to an audience. Great seeing you here on the Stage 32 platform!

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