Introduce Yourself : Hello there and nice to meet you. This is my film's latest trailer. Thank you for connecting, watching and for looking me up on IMdB by Marcelo Grion

Marcelo Grion

Hello there and nice to meet you. This is my film's latest trailer. Thank you for connecting, watching and for looking me up on IMdB

Marcelo Grion

Nice to meet you Bobby

Nathaniel Velez

Looks great. Kind of reminds of Star Wars which is very awesome.

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Nathaniel! I hope to make a "star Wars" someday soon

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Derek!

Mozo King

yea i like dat trailer!!! ready to see da real deal!!! shouldve had me in it!!!!!! lol

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Mozo!

Munzir Mohammed Ahmed

Dear Marcelo I have seen Star Wars & all it's breeds the trailer above predicts a promising piece of art above all imaginations of the "Star Wars" - Makers - have them appoint you for their next breed what an epic will see ... wish you all the best.

Marcelo Grion

Munzir All I can say is thank you !

Scott Laird Berg

We want more... keep up the good work!

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Scott for the push !

Francesca Varisco

Cool! Can't wait to see the whole film, bravo!

Marcelo Grion

Thank you,no I don't create any music.

Felicia E. Mebane, PhD

Looks great! Thanks for sharing.

Marcelo Grion

Thank you !

charles armstrong

cool mark was one of my film instructers

Deborah Roberts

wow at last 300 is coming in March can't wait its my Birthday then so ill be very nice if it came out on the 4th

Adam Pachter

Very cool! Do you know there's another sci-fi in the pipeline by the same name, directed by Andrew Will? The plot's have nothing in common, just the name.

Marcelo Grion

Hi Adam, nothing in common. I started shooting my film in 1998

Tony Smith

Fantastic Trailer Marcelo! Loving the graphic's, Awesome work!

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Tony

Alina Chorna

When it will be released? Can't wait to see the whole film, looks awesome and the story is great, too!

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Alina very much! still in post production

Marcelo Grion

Hello there, thank you very much for checking it out. The film is in post production and we appreciate your support. Best, Marcelo Grion

Lorie Ferguson

That looks like it's going to be a good movie! can't wait to see it.

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Lorie!

Mark Souza

Cool. I'd like to see it as well.

Marcelo Grion

Thank you Mark

Lisa Cordova

Thanks for connecting with me. It looks like a cool concept.

Mark Stanton

Hi Marcelo, That's a great trailer. Makes me want to see more.

Jonn Lander

Hey Marcelo - that looks really good. Looking at past history of aliens in movies, it must be something like 99% of the aliens are the nasty ones in the story. That's why I'm skeptical that my script will have much of a chance. I've got the aliens as the good guys and the humans as the nasty ones. Wish you all the best on your project.

Marcelo Grion

Hi John, i like your take on the alien subject. Keep up the great writing!

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