Your Stage : Searching original films and tv shows to air on TV by Robert Niebrzydowski

Robert Niebrzydowski

Searching original films and tv shows to air on TV

Hello..Ive posted before on this subject. Im developing a tv station for Roku and will be seen in real time online. Also working on getting the station on Chromecast. Now what I need is original material to air. Thus I need your original films/ web based films/ tv shows..and music vids. Please leave a comment here on where I can go , leave a link, or simply message me with the info of your project. Currently here are 6 million american subscribers to Roku.. not sure world wide. I also will have a collection of tv and film producers viewing the tv station.. By the way if the project is amazing I'll add a sponsor where the project owner will make some money. Good luck

Robert Niebrzydowski

Yes. Again if the original film or tv show is flat out kick ass I'll be able to add an advertiser and make the owner of the project money !!!

Elisar Cabrera

Hi, please have a look at my 6 ep series

Robert Niebrzydowski

Ill take a look :)

Robert Niebrzydowski

Question. Does anyone have an 8 episode project going. Or on the verge

Tony Cella

I may know of one. Are you looking for completed projects or are you open to projects that are in development?

Robert Niebrzydowski

Both tony

Bridget Jeske

My friend Frederic Robinson has started this show "2 Red Chairs." Maybe you will be interested! - here is his site

Robert Niebrzydowski

Love it Lauren

Robert Niebrzydowski

I'm also interested in the 2 red chair project

Bill Smith

I don't know if it could be of interest for you but please have a look, it is about short ghost stories...

Bill Shannon

Well you can always check out our comedy series "Tilted Straits". We are filming Season 2 and any audio issues have been fixed... We also wouldn't be opposed to doing a lot more of it. Season 3, 4, 5. We have 10 Episodes up and another 13 coming this summer.

Robert Niebrzydowski

Bill I'm deff interested. That's what I'm looking for Ill check things out later today

Annette Reid

My website is I would love to see one of my novels converted into a movie.

Michael Eric Ross

Hi Robert. This sounds promising. I may have something of interest to you. Check out my Projects page here at Stage 32, and please be in touch if you think there are possibilities. All the best, Michael.

Michael Eric Ross

Oops, sorry Robert. I meant the Loglines page. Thnx

Michael Eric Ross

... and there's a full breakdown of my TV series in the Job LIstings page:

A J Dimaculangan

Are you looking for shows to develop or finished shows to buy/license?

J. Brian

I have 2 horror shorts, one 26 minutes and one about 17. and If you're interested, let me know. For about 8 years I've been developing a series that showcases indie horror filmmakers. It's called The House of Grimm... yes, I know there's a TV show called Grimm, but this was conceived LONG before that one and I'm not interested in changing my title. Anyway, once it's up and running, I'd like to submit it as a possibility, too.

Paolo Marescotti

Hi Robert, right now we're in pre production with the 4th episode. If interested feel free to contact me

Ritchie Johnston

Hi Robert are you just looking for already produced series or are you taking submissions for projects to be filmed as I have an 8 episode series that I have finished drafting the scripts for, the first three scripts to the show are available in my loglines section.

Yara Da Silva-Heying

I was planning a webisode series back in 2008, I picked up again and I do have an idea for pilot and series (currently editing) a few spec scripts written and one made for TV crime movie. Let's connect.

Tony Cella

Hello Robert. It turns out my friend wants to self-distribute his web series, but I have a spec script for a low budget comedy that may interest you.

Royce Allen Dudley

How is this different than youtube ?

Maggie Bushway

Are you just looking for feature lengths, or for shorts as well?

Spike Thurbon

I have an 10 x 1hour episode series. The Cotton Library. Please find my logline, synopsis and full pilot episode screenplay under my loglines on my profile. Spike

Kim B Catano

I do a little show with music called "Coffina's Monster Sideshow", that I'd like to film episodes for tv. People tell me it's like Pee Wee Herman meets Elvira with Rocky Horror thrown in. All the music is original and it's got monster puppets and actors playing monsters. it's my goth hostess Coffina( an undead Victorian sideshow hostess) a bunch of talented actor friends and a bunch of bizarre and silly puppets. I also am working on episodes of a reality based show "Grave Matters", where I go to grave sites and spooky tours and scare/entertain people with live EVP findings and medium readings as well as the history and art of graves( we also get visits from special guests. I have also written two other pieces that are adaptable for tv and have been workshopped in front of a live audience with good results as part of a performing workshop series.

Robert Niebrzydowski

will look into all submissions

Mark Ratering

I have a finished film

Robert Niebrzydowski

Mark..send me something

Mark Ratering

Please send me your email I will send you the film Mark

Mark S. Esch


Dwayne Conyers

You can take a look at our web series and videos at

David Kotzebue

I have most of my movies on here. Have a few TV concepts, too. Hafta get busy & post them here.

J.C. Schaffner

I am about to begin shooting a season one of Lofty Dreams. There are ten 12 minute episodes. I would love to speak privately. The show is surrounded by talented people and is hilarious. We have material for a long run of many seasons.

Maritza Brikisak

Here is our complete series...episodes and trailers for each. Called 'Paradise Drive'. Enjoy :)

Ben Trebilcook

Hi. Writer / Producer from London. Ive a fun, US-set quirky detective comedy show. Proposal, character breakdowns and pilot episode script available if interested.

Haldon K. Richardson

Hello Robert, I have three feature length screenplays that I would like for you to consider. The loglines, synopses and complete scripts are all available here on Stage32 and on I look forward to talking with you if you are interested. Thanks. Haldon Richardson

Robert D. Miles

Hi Haidon, Can you send me the link to them here on Stage 32. I am currently working on several of my own projects but you never know as I might be able to share one of them with some of my sources. Great job at getting these ready. Robert

Haldon K. Richardson

Hi Robert, If you go to my profile page (Haldon K. Richardson), there are three loglines, synopses and scripts to which you can link. Let me know if you can't find them there. Thanks. HKR

Haldon K. Richardson

Hi Robert, In addition to the three feature scripts, I have written two shorts which could be pilots for TV series. They are "Immaculate Deception" and "Which Would You Rather?" Both can be found on my profile page. Thanks. HKR

Dillon Mcpheresome

Would you consider looking at my loglines?

Haldon K. Richardson


Dillon Mcpheresome

I am presently collaborating on a script we are tentatively calling Marvel. Logline: After an accident an amicable college student discovers he can heal physical and emotional problems with potential to save the world. We are writing it on spec but I could see this being a series or made for tv movie.

Rachel Cann

False Testimony is a feature film script based on a precedential 1983 court case.

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