Milla Kontkanen

Milla Kontkanen

Director, Producer, Content Creator and Camera Operator

Oxford, United Kingdom

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Milla

In my heart, I'm a Journalist and Documentary Director, who wants to make a positive change in the world. In my dreams, I produce and direct documentaries and write scripts for films and TV series that entertain but also make a difference. In reality, I work as a Content Producer, making videos for a university – from scripting and research to filming, lighting, interviewing and editing – and enjoy it. I also take photos and am represented by the Alamy photo agency. I'm currently on sabbatical and writing a non-fiction book in Finnish about the personal stories of Finnish people in the UK put in the frame of the Brexit process.

Previously, I worked for the Finnish national broadcaster YLE, making art and science documentaries and shorter factual films. I've also worked in film festival communication, journalist (for magazines and a popular travel guide book to London), as a stringer for the MTV, and in production companies. Educated to masters level in the UK (MA in Television Features and Documentary Production, BA in Film, TV and Photographic Arts).



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