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By Ty Strange

GENRE: Sports, Drama

A talented but uncoachable marathoner gets kicked off the Olympic Development team and forms an unlikely alliance with an enterprising homeless man in order to continue preparing for the U.S. Olympic Trials.

Tasha Lewis

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Gen Vardo

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Nate Rymer

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B A Mason

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DeShawn Buckner

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Russell G. Williams

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Anthony Murphy

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Robin Gregory

Ty Strange You have done so well with your screenwriting career! I'm newer to the industry, so take this with a grain of you know. This logline has an intriguing protagonist, interesting setting, and unique friendship. My questions: if the protagonist is kicked off the team why is he still preparing to compete? Or is the homeless man preparing to compete? I'm not sure the way it's written. Does this make more sense?: "While preparing for the U.S. Olympic Trials, a talented but uncoachable marathoner gets kicked off the team and forms an unlikely alliance with an enterprising homeless man." Then, to achieve what? What does the athlete need to do? Is there an antagonist?

Ty Strange

Good point, Robin Gregory. Namely, the uncoachable marathoner is his own worst enemy. Getting kicked off the team essentially renders him homeless. I'd say the fact that he was on an Olympic Development team indicates his desire to make the Olympic team and won't stop his pursuit. I think simply changing "while" to "in order to continue" places the action on the proper character.

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