Acting : Scripts by Leon Reaper

Leon Reaper


What do you actors look for in a script when picking roles?

Micky McGregor

Something daring and challenging, something that pushes boundaries. However I feel lucky to be asked to read any script.

Alexandra Cohler

Something that deals with the themes I, as an actor, am most interested in exploring. And good grammar. :)

Alisa Vernon

I look for parts where I can inject humor.

Patrick Opitz

Good character development, the message that the script sends (as creative artists we are all responsible for what we put out there) and enough action to keep things interesting.

Leon Reaper

@Cory Ah a zombie movie then? hahaha

Simon © Simon

Credibility. Why waste a perfectly good battery, script and day? When the actor cannot sell it.

Craig Bruenell

I look for a good story with a character of my type in it.

Kathrynne Wolf

Imagination - characters beyond stereotypes, serving a story that is worth telling, with a fresh perspective, at least... And/or, let's be honest, a role that lets me show off my 'chops'.

Richard Gustason

I guess since I'm new to acting really any script is fine with me. LOL But I'm pretty comfortable doing comedy.

Jennifer Lynn

Strong characters that I can completely lose myself in, and a believable story line.

Alex P. Michaels

I just acted in a short film where I got to play a very good role as a Police Chief. I wasn't the main character but my character was central to the plot and helped move the story along. I think having a memorable character is the best thing an actor can hope for.

Hardy Awadjie

I particularly like roles that are subtly significant or have a twist that typically requires more facial expressions than actual dialogue. The last feature I was in, I played a cop with only a few lines trying to find a serial killer but in the end I was actually the killer.

Craig Bruenell

Thanks for ruining it for me, Hardy!

Hardy Awadjie

Haha. Unfortunately I do not think that film will ever see the light of day, due to conflicts among crew and issues with actors sadly. Was such a good plot too!

Chuck Pressler

I look at a character of interest that I can bring to life as the writer imagined no matter how much dialogue is involved. The character has to fit my range but in the end I want to be able to accomplish what was intended and be sure that it has a personal touch to make keep it original.

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