Filmmaking / Directing : Clive Barker wants to give you $300,000 to make your Horror Film by Vince Conside

Clive Barker wants to give you $300,000 to make your Horror Film

JD Hartman

Here's a link to the original source of the article:

No Film School: produces no original content; until recently didn't credit the source of the information they re-publish; makes money from ad placement on their pages. Every click on the link in the original post puts money in their pocket.

Vince Conside

It's a money making world

JD Hartman

Yes it is, but why post links to a website that provides no original content? It only serves to continue the illusion that NFS is of any value at all. .....and makes them some coin. What does it do for S32?

Vince Conside

S32 or S32 members? If were speaking about members, why not post a contest, especially one that Clive Barkers supports and is granting his own money. Tough business dude.

JD Hartman

Let's say...both. No problem with the contest, but my point is post a link to the original contest story. Fuk NFS, it's not a school a all.

Eva Dogg

im in this that :D

Debbie Croysdale

8 days notice to enter this contest as Ive only just read this thread. Never forget the first time i saw HellRaiser. "YOU INVITED US....SO WE CAME." Only words but Pin Head made my guts turn even before he acted out horror. Will be interesting to see what Characters the winner of this contest creates. The 3 nasties from the Hell raiser are a hard act to follow. Thanks for the info.

Stephen Ohocinski Jr.

I was reading the fine print and whomever wins and received the money loses any and all intellectual property on the pitched project. Anyone read the fine print with more contract knowledge out there? Would really love someone expert opinion on this one.

JD Hartman

$300,000 isn't enough? They're buying your script and even if in heavily modified form, producing and hopefully distributing it. What more could you want?

Stephen Ohocinski Jr.

Im not saying its a bad deal. Just curious if Im reading it right. Taking ownership of the brand seems strange.

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