Screenwriting : 5th Annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Contest by Matthew Walsh

Matthew Walsh

5th Annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Contest

I just submitted my Feature film, "Space Race," to this competition. High budget but is one hell of an action-adventure that would be amazing on the big screen.

Johnathan Burns

It's a pity we can't really protect film titles! Race you to the production line!

Chaun Lee

Best of luck Matthew! I hope you do well! Love the title

Phil Clarke

Bravo, Matthew. Fingers crossed for you.

Matthew Walsh

Haha, thank you all. I'm terrible with film titles but I'm glad this one hit the mark :-p

Jason Mirch

Good luck Matthew Walsh! We have an awesome roster of judges (and adding more throughout the contest). Really excited that you took the leap!

Matthew Walsh

Omg Johnathan Burns , why aren't we working on a script together?!

Dawn Prato

Good luck!

Johnathan Burns

Matthew Walsh I wrote mine a fair while ago but it's very different to yours (Epic Alien Trilogy). I've always written solo. Perhaps some day I'll look at co-writing.

Matthew Walsh

Johnathan Burns yeah, I had a script pro review my script, he said he's personally read about a dozen scripts titled "Space Race," haha. It's an apt name for what mine is about - I realized there's never been a film devoted to "racing in space."

Tim Bragg yeah, for my script to work it would need a high budget due to CGI and settings, so it's unlikely it would be made unless if someone had $50mill+ to spend on it... But if any studio is listening, the story is worth it ;)

Paul Hollingsworth

Best of luck Matthew!

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