Your Stage : Great way to start the day by Paul Zeidman

Paul Zeidman

Great way to start the day

Just got some great & encouraging notes back on a script from a longtime associate - a writer who really knows their stuff.

The last line: "I wanted to point out that your writing has always been very good, but your VOICE was particularly noticeable in this script. Nice."

Taking a quick break to spend some time on Cloud 9.

Normann Pokorny

Those are the moments you work for! Those are the moments that make your day!

Pat Alexander

Nothing better than a compliment like that. Keep on going and use the momentum!

Jim Boston

Paul, thanks so DOGGONE much for posting this!

Leonardo Ramirez

That's awesome Paul Zeidman - especially when it comes to voice. Definitely hang out on Cloud 9 for a bit.

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