There are so many screenwriters on the same path looking for " the big break". That alone came seem real intimidating. You can spend a large amount of time trying to come up with the perfect script at an attempt to blindly out do the competitions. The pressure of the big break can even cause writers block, lack of sleep and an epic amount of time spent day dreaming. We spend so much time worrying about what new amazing script we can write to dominate the competition, that we forget the route we need to take to dominate. Now make no mistake, this is a competition and I hope we all respect each other as writers but when it's all said and done, make your route worth the travel.
Let's say you've written something incredible and most likely someone somewhere has written something equally incredible. You've put your heart, sweat and tears into this script and you believe without a doubt this is THE one. You've done everything you're suppose to do to insure the safe keeping of your script. Now comes the route. You need to move your work anyway you can. Don't except the industry process of only going through the correct channels. You need to control your routing process. Connect and reach out because you never know who may want to listen. Consume as much advice as you can and then create a strategy from it. This is your journey and you can choose to walk it slowly or run it down. Remember, we write stories and create worlds so make sure your path to your moment is your own amazing creation.
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I enjoy the journey. I enjoy the process. I am also very pointed in my marketing approach.
You are correct about quality winning. Winning is perhaps the wrong word. Quality is a river and it floats all boats. Streamers have changed the viewing habits of people. Quality content will nearly always find a home.
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Thank you Meko for this advise - i have taken note.
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I like to travel any long as my expenses are covered :)
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I've heard the barrier between aspiring screenwriters and actual screenwriters (with sales) described as "The Wall." I have also heard it said that the Wall exists for a reason. How you surpass the Wall says everything about you. Most will never succeed. The Wall exists for a reason.