Screenwriting : Title of Screenplay by Daniel Vargas

Daniel Vargas

Title of Screenplay

Can someone help me come up with a title for my screenplay. The story is about a homeless man who does schemes to make money to buy a gift for his granddaughter. However his son doesn't give him permission to see his granddaughter until he overcomes his addiction.

Tony Ginn

Just Keep Simple with the title "Addicted" the build the Story underneath! Have Some Fun Today!

Tony S.


Jim Boston

Daniel, would "Working My Way Back to You" cut it as a title?

Dunya K. Ibrahim

I agree with Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Coordinator, The movie name varies by movie style. If the movie has a comic theme, the name will differ from a movie with a self-challenge theme.

Noel Thompson

Granddaughter's Day? Not that great...what is the film really about? Themes? see if you can proceed from there.

Craig D Griffiths

I do like ‘The Gift”. It works on a lot of levels.

This coming from the guy who wrote “The Hostage” and “The Valley”. I am not know for great names.

Amy Dunkin

Off the top of my head real quick 'Why We Do the Things We Do" . Kind of plays on all aspects of what you described. Best of luck on your project.

Amazing Kacee

Use an original title not already take - Hector Valle title is already taken, and Gift anything would not be good either as there are over 200+ projects with this name as well. Long Titles usually are not good either. If you are just searching for someone to read your script then go for an attention-getter, the title can always be changed later - The title would depend on the goal of the leading character. Best of luck

Wal Friman

"Unworthy" or "Unworthy To Give".

Niksa Maric

Double-Edge Choice, Solution: Impossible, Smart Decision (depending how script or movie ends)

Richard Buzzell

How about: Hobo Hero?

Mike Stahl


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